Friday, November 25, 2022

There will be a prize for this...

 I was intrigued by the headline so I started reading the article and too late I realized I was sinking in to a wormhole. 
WTF are they talking about? 

The grocery chain Whole Foods will stop purchasing Gulf of Maine lobster after the Marine Stewardship Council (?) suspended the fishery’s certification last week.
The Marine Stewardship Council suspended the fishery’s certification only months after the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch (?) program red-listed the lobster because of risks to endangered North Atlantic right whales. (?) The stewardship council said its decision was based on an independent audit of the fishery’s risk to the whales.
Marianne Lacroix, the executive director of the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative (?), called the news “disappointing,” and said it could hurt lobstermen who’ve been working for decades to adapt their gear (?).
Here's where the story originated: anybody can explain that to me I'll be more than happy to buy them a beer...

It's nice when nice people
say nice things about us...


Everything has to have a reason to exist. Even cockroaches. But merely 
existing isn't enough when you have to serve a purpose - have a needed 
responsibily or an important job to do. Most times, you can add 
a flourish of creativity to just abot anything and make  it not only do 
it's job but also make a statement at the same time. That's what 
happens when pleasing the eye is made just as important as function. 
That's when we do things like this. And thank god we do...

Great thinkers and yet nonetheless batshit crazy - David Hockney and Cecil Beaton, Reddish House, 1970. They may be the original 'Mad dogs and Englishmen'...


In 2015, David Hole was prospecting in Maryborough Regional Park near Melbourne, Australia. Armed with a metal detector, he discovered something out of the ordinary – a very heavy, reddish rock resting in some yellow clay.
He took it home and tried everything to open it, sure that there was a gold nugget inside the rock – after all, Maryborough is in the Goldfields region, where the Australian gold rush peaked in the 19th century.
To break open his find, Hole tried a rock saw, an angle grinder, a drill, even dousing the thing in acid. However, not even a sledgehammer could make a crack. That's because what he was trying so hard to open was no gold nugget. As he found out years later, it was a rare chondrite meteorite.
Our Solar System was once a spinning pile of dust and chondrite rocks. Eventually gravity pulled a lot of this material together into planets, but the leftovers mostly ended up in a huge asteroid belt.
Anyway, it's not exactly something he can melt in to bars and sell, so how is it more valuable than gold? (Asking for a friend)

Those Andy Williams and Telly Savalas albums are what 
caught my eye. And, yeah - tell me you never scammed Columbia House for a couple of albums. Right. I musta hit 'em at least ten times just by myself. Juss' sayin'...


Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
Christmas isn't that far off, ya know...

Click on the picture for information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.

You can find something nice for Christmas for your Mom, 
your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Every time you turn around these days, there's some jerkoff 'expert' or somebody just waiting to tell you how to live your life, how to behave, who to like and dislike, what to wear, where to sit, what to drive, what to watch and or listen to, and what to eat. Now they're trying to tell you what to do with your food scraps. It's nuts.
Environmentalists urged people to think twice about how much food they make and how to deal with leftovers this Thanksgiving. New York City, reportedly the world's most wasteful city, last year produced 5% more trash the week after Thanksgiving than during a typical week, according to the city's Department of Sanitation.
By composting leftovers, a process that converts organic materials into nutrient-rich soil, people can help reduce the amount of trash being dumped into landfills, environmentalists say.
Of course, this advice don't work all that well for the 95% of NPR's listeners who live in apartments in big cities, but sure - great advice you jackasses...

If you're drinking in a bar that has a sign like this prominently displayed in front, there's a good chance you're in the right place.

It's amazing what we as a race are capable of when we try...

Either it was too much Saturday night 
or not enough Sunday morning...






  1. Translation: We needed a new virtue signal so we ignored the pain and suffering we'll cause and found some "expert organizations" to blame our decision on. To find out what will happen to many of the small towns take a look at the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. When logging was destroyed as an occupation they faced the same pain and suffering that the Nor'easterners will now face.

  2. [comment edited to remove html tags and links. Go read Nationalfisherman dot com and NPR and the UK Guardian]

    RE: lobsters vs whales

    TLDR nutshell: "If we can save just one whale, then it's worth it!!"

    Did the whale lovers moved the goalposts based on no evidence, and no whale entanglement deaths caused by lobstermen? Did they get the rules changed once again? Or are we dealing with a bureaucratic overlap of tangled ropes, rules, and decisions, which could be sorted out before the latest ban takes effect December 15?

    Any rope in the water is a potential whale killer, so ban them all!! Even though the judge found the 2021 rule and it's Final Version to be invalid. The current allowed "take" for these whales is zero, but the whale people wanted that lowered. Team Lobster won their case in July , but on a technicality. Judge Boasberg wanted more.

    According the the lobster gang, “MLA’s case demonstrates that the government’s order for a 98 percent reduction in the lobster fishery’s minimal risk to whales rests solely on hypothetical, inflated estimates unsupported by the agency’s own data. These are issues that MLA believes the court must direct the agency to examine rigorously.”

    So this latest move, based on "could be" could be a rope too far.

    The truth nobody wants to face is that the North Atlantic Right Whale population is down to 340 animals, with 100 breeding age females or fewer. They're on their way to extinction, pretty much no matter what. But somebody always want to blame somebody, never blame Nature.

    Maybe Biden should take one or two of those checks he keeps writing for Ukraine and use the money to hand out modern ropeless lobster traps and tracking gear.


I couldn't agree more. Cal...

It may well be 'climate change', but it sure as fuck ain't 'global warming' - at least not around here. I don't wann...