Thursday, November 3, 2022

Steal my car, will ya? Screw you...

This guy gets my Gold Medal award for tenacity this month. He was so pissed off that somebody stole his car that he actually went out on his and drove around for two days until he found it! He blocked it in so the thief couldn't take off and called the cops. 

Read the full story here (with video):


  1. This week in Amsterdam there was a guy walking to the police station to report his car stolen. While on the way he saw his car stopped at a traffic light, with a police car right behind it. He got his car back within an hour after he showed proof of ownership.

  2. Colorado: Weak on Crime Attorney General Says Car Thieves Deserve Three or Four Thefts Before Facing Consequences.
    Three or four times CAUGHT I am sure.
