Thursday, November 17, 2022

Nancy who? Good riddance, babe...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ignored former President Donald Trump in her farewell speech to Congress on Thursday. That was no surprise to anyone.
The worst piece of shit to ever serve as House Speaker expressed how 'honored she felt to have served alongside Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Joe Biden', but didn't mention Trump at all. 
Pelosi said she plans to stay in Congress (for what reason God only knows), but will thankfully no longer seek leadership positions in the Democratic caucus.
"I have enjoyed working with three presidents, achieving historic investments in clean energy with President George Bush; transformative health care reform with President Barack Obama, and forging the future - from infrastructure to health care to climate action - with President Joe Biden," Pelosi stated. 
In case you've forgotten what a complete piece of shit this dame really is, let me remind you again with this little snippet:

How's that for respecting the duly-elected leader of our nation? Sayanora, bitch.



I know a lot of you guys know a cat lover
 who would really appreciate these...
Barb just made a few more pairs and they're only $ 18.00 a pair. 
Why not, right? If the link on the picture doesn't work,
 look for them on her main page here:
Just a thought - If any of you have these earrings in your 'cart' on her site, you might want to pull the trigger on your purchase. Even though she has a couple of the sets available, they're selling like crazy and you might miss out. Juss' sayin'...




  1. "How's that for respecting the duly-elected leader of our nation? Sayanora, bitch."
    I don't like Nancy or Sleepy Joe and I like Trump. But the president is not our leader. He is our employee. His job is to carry out the will of the American people as expressed by the laws passed by the Congress. He works for us, he is not our leader. The Congress is a separate and equal branch of the US government. The president is not their leader and does not have any authority to tell them what to do.

  2. Well , she can always get a job shilling for some vodka brand .

  3. I think we should get her a really fine job cleaning cesspools - by hand.

  4. I hope this scumcu*t gets cancer. Barring that I hope she dies in a housefire, a big one.

  5. Nancy is going to keep on keeping on and not change a thing; she's going to do her damndest to run over the GOP Speaker at every opportunity.

  6. She may actually not remember Trump - abuse of alcohol and Botox does terrible things to the memory .......

  7. Her farewell speech should've been that she had done as much damage to the country as she could, and it was time to back out before somebody actually did something to expose her ugly ass....
