Thursday, November 17, 2022

Is the 'House of Biden' about to collapse? Don't bet the ranch on it, but one can only hope, right?

Maybe it's just about goddam time the shoe was on the other foot and the right does to the libs what tey've been doing to DJT for seven fuckin' years. This is gonna be fun to watch, and I hope they're more successful than what the Dems were able to (not) accomplish.
Comer said he'd even like members of the Biden family to testify before the House when asked, but said the main focus of their probe right now was to access bank records. 'As part of our investigation, we have evidence that the finances, credit cards, and bank accounts of Hunter and Joe Biden were commingled, if not shared,' the Republican lawmaker said.

 He said some accounts linked to the Biden family raised 'red flags' about 'suspicious or illegal activity.' It comes one day after the GOP clinched 218 seats in the House of Representatives, cementing their majority - and investigative powers - in the next Congress.


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