Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Tonight's earlier post had a guy throwing a dildo at his girlfriend. Funny - yeah - but not this funny...

 Why would this guy ever let this go on social media?
(Asking for a friend...)

Your daily Doug...


Looking for a nice little stocking-stuffer 
for the cat lover in your family? 
Click on the picture for more info. They're
 only $ 18.00 a pair and the shipping is free!

Hey - you guys out on the West Coast - thanks so much for your interest in Barbara's jewelry - I really appreciate it! Keep up the good work...
When she has a sale, she has the Etsy app on her phone and it makes a 'cash-register' sound to let her know that she sold something, so you guys that buy at like 9:00 or 10:00pm your time, the notice comes in here at like midnight or later because of the time difference.  
Of course she hears it - Babs has friggin' 'bat hearing' and hears the phone all the way in the bedroom and of course it wakes her up. It's friggin' hilarious, so buy to your heart's content guys. Sometimes it's the best laugh I get all day...

If for no other reason, it's the headline that makes this story great. Another Florida man adventure...

During an argument early Thanksgiving morning, a Florida Man threw a sex toy at his girlfriend, leaving the woman with a bruise on her torso, according to cops who noted that they did not confiscate the weapon used in the alleged domestic battery.
Investigators say ****_******, 45, and the 33-year-old victim were inside a room at the Sun Island Motel in St. Petersburg around 4:40 AM when a verbal argument turned violent.
According to an arrest affidavit, Pacitto was packing his suitcase to leave the room when he “began throwing the victim’s items” out of the luggage. “During the process,” the woman told police, ******* “hit her with a sex toy on her torso, leaving a bruise.”

When questioned by cops, ****** reportedly “admitted to throwing items but does not recall exactly what items.” The sex toy in question is not further described in the court affidavit.
The 6’ 2”, 300-pound ******* -who cops say was under the influence of alcohol-was arrested for domestic battery. He bonded out of jail Friday after posting $1000 bond in the misdemeanor case. A judge has ordered him to have no contact with the victim. *******, a professional engineer, lives in Fort Myers, a city about 110 miles south of St. Petersburg.

Being married to a guy must really suck...

And I usta think she was such a major babe...
Fourth time must be the charm.

Family Ties star Meredith Baxter, 75, holds hands with her 
new 'wife' Nancy Locke while shopping in Montecito after her 
three failed marriages to men finally led to love - or something.
Hollywood must be a very confusing place...

It's not easy being short, is it Calvin?

What If Chevy Made a Corvette SUV to Compete with the Porsche Cayenne? They are. Jeez...

How to destroy a franchise in one easy lesson...

What's in a name? When you are a carmaker, the answer is: everything. Arguably, people buy a BMW or a Benz at least as much for the name as for the car itself, and the same goes for Corvette. In terms of brand value, Corvette is among the auto industry's most heralded and valued nameplates, and yet it currently only pulls a small percentage of the potentially huge profit. But according to those in the know, this is going to change.

You have to reaad this story to believe it, and it's from a very reliable source:


Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
Christmas is four weeks from now, ya know...
Click on the picture for information on this beautiful 
handmade bracelet. It's only $ 40.00 with free shipping.
 You can find something nice for Christmas for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here on her website: 


This is the leader of the free world. Jeezzzzzzzz...


Here's the argument me and my wife have been having for 40 years...

 When do you put your family Christmas tree up?
My wife wants to put it up and decorate it the day after Thanksgiving. That's more than a month before Christmas some years. That's just too much. My mother usta wait until what she called 'Little Christmas' - supposedly the day the three wiseguys showed up at the manger or something like that. I think that's supposed to be only 12 days before Christmas. 
To be honest, trees are really about kids and presents and Christmas morning and coming down the stairs in your pajamas to see what Santa left for you and all childhood stuff like that. At the age of 70 with no kids under foot in the house, I really don't give  shit anymore if we have one or not. Trees look kinda cute, and the cat certainly likes fucking with them...

Beginning December 5, every order completed in the McDonald’s app for at least $1 will enter customers into a contest to win a McGold Card. Three winners will get a special card that earns them free McDonald’s for life. Plus, each winner will get three extra cards to give away for a total of 12 cards being won.
The McGold Card has been around for years, with some heavy hitters reportedly holding them, including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and actor Rob Lowe. In 2018, McDonald’s issued a few gold cards during a contest, but the winner was eligible to get “only” two free meals a week for 50 years. That rule applies to this year’s promotion too, which ends on December 25.




Santa arrives to entertain Allied troops on 
Christmas on Guadalcanal. Solomon Islands, 1945.

Hey - gimme a break, Larson - some of us didn't have 
any say in the matter...

What do you think the Vegas line should be on this guy's inevitable crash and burn? He's bound to totally self-destruct pretty soon you'd think, wouldn'tcha?
Kanye West has been ordered to pay Kim Kardashian $200,000 per month in child support in a divorce settlement. If that isn't a 'fuck you' amount of money, nothing is, because there ain't a kid in the world costs that much. Fuck...
The former rapper and reality TV star will share joint custody of their four children. Kardashian filed for divorce in 2021, after eight years with West, who has legally changed his name to YezyPeezy. It comes after several companies cut ties with Ye over controversies including antisemitic comments.

This sure as fuck don't look like any girl's toy that I've ever seen...


Looking for a nice little stocking-stuffer 
for the cat lover in your family? 
Click on the picture for more info. They're
 only $ 18.00 a pair and the shipping is free!

Now THERE'S a Christmas tree...

Take a minute to try and figure out what this is. 
The answer will be at the bottom of the post...

Remember this little tidbit from the Super Bowl?
And they say that wasn't staged - bullshit. Certainly not one of the greatest moments in music or TV history fersure, but nice nipple ring, though... 
Well, Rolling Stone Mag, that pinnacle of journalistic excellence, has compiled what the say are 
Bearing in mind, of course, that these are the very same people who put ABBA on the '50 greatest bands of all times' list, of course. Anyway, the guy who wrote this article and list obviously musta grew up on a different planet than I did, 'cause the list is pretty fuckin' stupid - again. Take a look - it's pretty funny:

I had a girlfriend once usta like do to do that exact thing...

This is how we used to 'unfriend' people in the days before FB...

I can't even begin to imagine the kind of 
horror show this musta been. Here's a very 
good rendition of what happened that night:


It's the inside of a Steinway Grand Piano



Seems like it might be...


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Important distractions...

Your daily gift from Playboy...

KFC and beer? Doesn't work for me, but - they are Brits after all...

KFC has a 'pop-up' London pub, where guests can get fried chicken delivered to their table and everything is chicken-themed. Take a look inside. 
KFC opened its first-ever pub, "The Colonel's Arms," on Friday in Hammersmith, London. The pub, launched to celebrate the FIFA World Cup, heavily promotes KFC's delivery service. It features chicken-drumstick table soccer, chicken wallpaper, and framed photos of the Colonel.
To get in to the pub, you have to have one of these tickets:
Hey - whatever floats yer boat, right-o, Mate?

Calvin was born under a bad sign I guess...

If you can't see it, does it mean it's not there? Hell, no...

Why don't I own Northrup stock? Every one of these suckers is costing us a scagillion dollars each...
The U.S. Air Force and Northrop Grumman plan to unveil the latest stealth aircraft called the B-21 Raider at the company’s facility in Palmdale, California, this Friday.
“The B-21 is the most advanced military aircraft ever built and is a product of pioneering innovation and technological excellence,” Dough Young, sector vice president and general manager at Northrop Grumman Aeronautics Systems said in a press release. “The Raider showcases the dedication and skills of the thousands of people working every day to deliver this aircraft.”
Northrop was awarded a contract in 2015 to design and build the world’s most advanced strike aircraft. The B-21 was made using advanced manufacturing techniques and breakthrough stealth technology. It is a sixth-generation aircraft, which Northrop Corporate President Tom Jones said is “optimized for operations in highly contested environments.” The plane, according to Northrop’s website, is designed to perform long-range conventional and nuclear missions.

The estimated cost to develop, purchase and operate 100 aircraft is estimated at $203 billion, or about $2 billion per plane. Currently, the company has six aircraft being assembled in Palmdale and the first B-21 is set to take flight sometime in 2023, depending on ground test results.

Looking for a nice little stocking-stuffer 
for the cat lover in your family? 
Click on the picture for more info. They're
 only $ 18.00 a pair and the shipping is free!

When you realize the terms 'equity' and 'inclusion' are mask words for 'stupid' or 'fuckin' crazy', it's time to move on...

This guy/gal/hesheit/whatever the fuck has a top secret nuclear clearance. Who approved that - Stevie Wonder? Sam Brinton, 34 - the lovely creature in the red dress with lipstick and a diamond choker - is accused of stealing a suitcase from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (inset). 
Brinton, who was president Joe Biden's pick as the Department of Energy's deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition, was caught on surveillance cameras taking a blue bag off the baggage claim after flying in from Washington. A woman reported the bag missing later that day and Brinton was identified. Brinton claimed to have not taken the bag but then changed their mind admitting to removing the case adding it was by mistake because they were tired. 
The 34-year-old scientist, who was the first non-binary person (please stop using that phrase. It's absolutely fucking meaningless) to accept a position in federal government leadership, faces five years in jail, a $10,000 fine, or both if found guilty. he/she/it/him/her/they have not been at work for at least a month with Kim Petry, the acting deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel, standing in. 

As frightening as it sounds, there is actually more detail and nuance to this story. If you have nthing to do and need something to read while you take a dump, you can go here:





“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.”
― Groucho Marx            

This is the main Piazza and Cathedral in the town my grandfather 
Angelo Mainiero was born in and came to America from - Ariano Irpino, Italy. Thank God he did...




That's the kinda treat you can make (and probably carry out) 
when you're are the richest person in the universe. 
I wonder what kinda house he lives in...


Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
Christmas is four weeks from now, ya know...
Click on the picture for information on this beautiful 
handmade bracelet. It's only $ 40.00 with free shipping.
 You can find something nice for Christmas for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here on her website: 



Well, Art is Art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know.

This is one of the pictures from that photo spread/shoot for some new shit from this company Balenciaga that all the ultra-hip fuckwads - and NPR of course - are all getting so jacked about.
 Somebody evidently thought it would be cool to make an S&M Teddy Bear pocketbook - which even though it's been pulled from their lineup probably woulda sold for like $ 3,000.00 or some shit to morons like Kim Kardashian, although she woulda probably got one for nothing because it's pretty safe to assume the fat-ass fuck probably shills for them.
A spokespeoplepersonthing/him/she/whatever for these pretentious jerkoffs issued this statement: “We sincerely apologize for any offense our holiday campaign may have caused. Our plush bear bags should not have been featured with children in this campaign. We have immediately removed the campaign from all platforms,” the company wrote in a statement posted to its Instagram Story.

Where have I heard that question before? It sounds familiar...

Because, if you're like me, you thought that name made no sense at all. Well, now ya know. So There...

How long before we read about him floating face down in a bathtub somewhere? I wonder what the Vegas line is on him. What a fuckin' whackjob. 
And WTF was DJT doing having this guy over for dinner at MaryLego without vetting the nimrods Yeezy brought with him?

This isn't at some fancy palace somewhere in Europe. It's right here in Florida, and it wasn't built so long ago. This begs the question - from me at least - why don't they build like this more often? Seriously, fuck all that glass and steel bullshit. Build stuff that's nicer to look at, would'juz?



