Tuesday, November 29, 2022

When you realize the terms 'equity' and 'inclusion' are mask words for 'stupid' or 'fuckin' crazy', it's time to move on...

This guy/gal/hesheit/whatever the fuck has a top secret nuclear clearance. Who approved that - Stevie Wonder? Sam Brinton, 34 - the lovely creature in the red dress with lipstick and a diamond choker - is accused of stealing a suitcase from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (inset). 
Brinton, who was president Joe Biden's pick as the Department of Energy's deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition, was caught on surveillance cameras taking a blue bag off the baggage claim after flying in from Washington. A woman reported the bag missing later that day and Brinton was identified. Brinton claimed to have not taken the bag but then changed their mind admitting to removing the case adding it was by mistake because they were tired. 
The 34-year-old scientist, who was the first non-binary person (please stop using that phrase. It's absolutely fucking meaningless) to accept a position in federal government leadership, faces five years in jail, a $10,000 fine, or both if found guilty. he/she/it/him/her/they have not been at work for at least a month with Kim Petry, the acting deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel, standing in. 

As frightening as it sounds, there is actually more detail and nuance to this story. If you have nthing to do and need something to read while you take a dump, you can go here:





“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.”
― Groucho Marx            

This is the main Piazza and Cathedral in the town my grandfather 
Angelo Mainiero was born in and came to America from - Ariano Irpino, Italy. Thank God he did...




That's the kinda treat you can make (and probably carry out) 
when you're are the richest person in the universe. 
I wonder what kinda house he lives in...


Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
Christmas is four weeks from now, ya know...
Click on the picture for information on this beautiful 
handmade bracelet. It's only $ 40.00 with free shipping.
 You can find something nice for Christmas for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here on her website: 



Well, Art is Art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know.

This is one of the pictures from that photo spread/shoot for some new shit from this company Balenciaga that all the ultra-hip fuckwads - and NPR of course - are all getting so jacked about.
 Somebody evidently thought it would be cool to make an S&M Teddy Bear pocketbook - which even though it's been pulled from their lineup probably woulda sold for like $ 3,000.00 or some shit to morons like Kim Kardashian, although she woulda probably got one for nothing because it's pretty safe to assume the fat-ass fuck probably shills for them.
A spokespeoplepersonthing/him/she/whatever for these pretentious jerkoffs issued this statement: “We sincerely apologize for any offense our holiday campaign may have caused. Our plush bear bags should not have been featured with children in this campaign. We have immediately removed the campaign from all platforms,” the company wrote in a statement posted to its Instagram Story.

Where have I heard that question before? It sounds familiar...

Because, if you're like me, you thought that name made no sense at all. Well, now ya know. So There...

How long before we read about him floating face down in a bathtub somewhere? I wonder what the Vegas line is on him. What a fuckin' whackjob. 
And WTF was DJT doing having this guy over for dinner at MaryLego without vetting the nimrods Yeezy brought with him?

This isn't at some fancy palace somewhere in Europe. It's right here in Florida, and it wasn't built so long ago. This begs the question - from me at least - why don't they build like this more often? Seriously, fuck all that glass and steel bullshit. Build stuff that's nicer to look at, would'juz?






  1. Brinton will never even see the inside of a courtroom.

    Musk has "Fuck you" money and I love the way he's threatening to use it.

  2. I'll remind Chuck that Omar and Talib are members of his party and server in Congress, so he might want to STFU.

  3. >why don't they build like this more often?

    All humans know is destruction.

  4. Great Groucho Marx quote ... call me weird, but I say it all the time.


Why is beer so expensive in Alaska?