Saturday, October 29, 2022

Someone filed a complaint on this mornings earlier post...

 I'll never understand that, but okay. 

I always thought if you didn't like something, you don't read it anymore and maybe never go back to the blog, but hey - what the fuck do I know.

It might have been the item about the guy who's suing his kids school because of the rainbow flags. I deleted that one.

I sure as fuck hope it wasn't the corned beef hash ad...



  1. The left has to be more vigilant since their primary censor, the White House, has been removed from Twitter. The left has no choice but to challenge every single little thing they can find, like the fake video you posted that Nanzi Pelosi ripped up Trump's speech. Why is it 'fake'? Because it really happened, but reality is never what matters to the left.

  2. I've got no use for anyone lacking a sense of humor; ie, the entire left side of the country, and beyond.


  3. It seems some of these people go out looking for aq reason to be butthurt.

  4. Angry whiners with no lives of their own .

  5. It was probably the one about Nancy getting her just desserts.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...