Saturday, September 17, 2022

You're welcome here, of course. Now get the fuck out...

 That certainly didn't take long for them to throw them outta town. Oh, compassion - wherefore art thou...  
How do you spell 'sanctuary? 
On 'The Vinyud', they spell it V-A-M-O-O-S-E.
After spending two days in a church on the upscale, elitist, ultra-liberal island of Martha's Vineyard, nearly 50 migrants, mostly here illegally from Venezuela, have been tossed off the island. 
They were taken to Joint Base Cape Cod, where officials are expected to find them accommodations. The mayor of the small Massachewshits town said in a brief statement "Fuck - we don't even have enough housing for the people who work here, let alone these taco-benders. Who the fuck needs all these poor, ignorant landscapers anyway - it's almost winter for fuck sake. We sure as fuck don't. Get 'em the fuck outta here, will ya?"
Ahhh - what a compassionate world we live in...

I don't have any hard, fast interest in going back up to Jersey anytime soon, but the truth is, the Jersey Shore - like here in Cape May - is absolutely perfect at this time of year. We usta call it 'locals summer' 'cause all the Bennies and summer people were gone, but everything was still open for us to enjoy, and the weather was almost perfect.

And they'll still give the MVP to to Ohtani.






Why does the news media try so hard to 
scare the shit out of us all the time?
This is what I' talking about. OH MY GOD! IT'S THE 
END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT! They make every 
little storm or problem sound like Armageddon.
 It gets old.


Can you imagine being smart enough and savvy enough to start and build a company to the size and stature that this guy did with Patagonia, and still be such a fuckin' idiot at the same time? This guy must be some kinda whack-job. He gave the company away so they could solve global freezing/global warming/climate change/whatever the fuck.
His fuckin' kids didn't even want the company, so you can imagine how their brains must be polluted, don'tcha think? Jeez, buddy - if you don't want it, throw me a fuckin' bone. willya?



That cracks me the fuck up. I can't even begin to imagine what a major-league cunt this broad must be, and what kinda pussy-whipped halfafaggit this guy is. They're so fucked up his own family doesn't wanna know 'em. Well played, Harry.







1 comment:

  1. The Storm coming to Alaska doesn't hold a candle to the bullshit in the Atlantic we will soon endure


I'm not here, but Calvin is...