Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Why do I bother doing this? Because A): It's fun...

 Plus the fact that B): I love making fun of politicians - especially idiot Liberals - when they step on their own dicks. Case in point? How about this: 
In a classic case of 'Be careful what you wish for',  NJ state Sen. Bob Smith, D-Middlesex, co-sponsor of the bill to ban plastic bags, said this: “The only glitch so far that we’ve had (during the ban) is the fact that the home delivery of groceries has been interpreted to mean you have to do it in a reusable bag and what’s happening is the number of these bags are accumulating with customers.”
There's a pretty funny article about this in the Slimes. Find it here:

These row-houses are predominant in the cities and towns all over Ireland and England. They're pretty cool looking, but most of them don't look anything like this one. Most of 'em haven't been power-washed in 200 or so years, so they're kinda dingy-looking, and there is absofuckin'lutely no where to park because almost none of them driveways - forget about back yards or garages...




Thank god for YouTube. All the time I was over there on the wrong side of the big pond, at least I could stay in touch with the pennant races by watching highlight reels every day on it.
I can't help but think how strong this guy's back must be because he's pretty much been carrying this whole team all season. Definitely AL MVP material, although they'll probably give it to the new Babe Ruth, Ohtani. 
Judge couldn't have picked a better year to go free agent. Can you imagine the kind of contract they're gonna have to throw down to keep him in the Bronx? Stratos-fuckin'-pheric numbers like nothing that's ever been seen before.

That's pretty cool. I actually sorta remember 
this ad. Back in '69, I was still in Scouting. Yeah -
 at 16, go figure - Don't bust my balls. 
Anyway, they were sorta half-right, but they 
were looking down in stead of looking up. 
Nice try, GM...



Yesterday's rally-like event on the South Lawn drew thousands of people, as one of the biggest gatherings that the Biden administration has hosted at the White House. In the crowd were House and Senate Democrats, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, as well as union leaders and members, cabinet secretaries and other executive branch officials. The White House sent out invitations far and wide, hoping to build buzz for the climate and health legislation, and the event opened with a performance by James Taylor, who headlined fund-raising events for Biden in 2020. People have to figure out why...

So I says to the ole' slap and tickle I says...

Try to imagine you're hearing this in some kinda fucked-up Monte Python/Cockney/Fawlty Towers accent:
'So I says to my wife I says - I betcha three quid that old biddy croaks while we're over in Northern Ireland'...
Which is almost (sorta) the exact conversation Barb and I had on the plane flying over. The fat Brit bitch in the seat behind me, who was evidently hanging on every word of our conversation, chirped in over the back of my seat: 'How DARE you say that about our Elizabeth?' to which I immediately replied (again over the back of the seat) 'How dare you butt the fuck in on our conversation?', to which she did not offer a smarmy retort. Chalk up one for the guy from Jersey - the good Jersey...
PS - although it is part of the island of Ireland, the country of Northern Ireland is actually a prisoner-state of the British Empire.



Evidently, they got pretty bent out of shape over there about the fact that he didn't bow - or at least he didn't bow deep enough - when he was introduced to her. The only reason she has to be bowed-to is because she was born in to royalty? I thinks not amigo. Well played, Donald...

New Yorkers jam the Brooklyn Bridge on their way home after the 
power outage shut down the subway system back in 1977. Those morons in 
California better take note of this kinda shit because it's gonna 
become a regular event out there pretty damn soon.
 Wudda buncha idiots. Juss' sayin'...

Say what you will about British cuisine (is there really such a thing after you get past the Stew Mutton and the crumpets and shit?), their beef can't hold a friggin' candle to anything we have here. I know - all the cows look pretty much the same, but their beef over there can't even be considered in the same category of food as ours is. 
Oh - and the call their hamburger 'Mince' over there. My grandmothers and mother all called it 'chopped meat'. Whatever...


Need to find a nice gift for a special someone 
who might be a cat lover?

Click on the picture above for information on this item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 




  1. Californians already have a fix to that Brooklyn Bridge problem: they all bought their own bridge. Cheap.

  2. I turned 70 yrs. old last month. I can't recall once in those years that I, or anyone I was going to eat with, suggested that we go have British food. Mexican, Thai, Italian, Chinese, French were all options. In fact, I have never seen or heard of a restaurant that specializes in authentic British food. Starting to look like I'll go to my grave never having dined on kidney pie or crumpets.
