Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Things here will look a lot different tomorrow...

 When this monster is done with us - the whole state - may be radically transformed.

I'm not a 'praying' kinda guy, but if I was, I don't know what 
I'd be praying for or who I'd praying to, 'cause isn't God kinda 
responsible for this kinda stuff? (Asking for a friend)...


  1. I was working along the Gulf Coast the year 7 of these things came barreling ass in there one right after the other capping the whole show off with Katrina .
    God Luck .

  2. I heard it was Trump's fault

  3. Sorry to bust your bubble, but no, God is not responsible for this. Humans are. Human sin caused this planet to be broken, along with humanity. God doesn't say, "Fuck 'em, they'll sort it out." You want to blame someone? Blame satan. He is the cause of most of the trouble on earth. But yes, human choice is also a huge problem. But you are completely off track if you think God is responsible for all the bullshit that happens on earth.....


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...