Thursday, September 29, 2022

Kamala must be getting contact brain buzzes from Joe...


U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris amply illustrated this Thursday when she ended her four-day trip to Asia with a journey to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) dividing the Korean Peninsula. During the stop she confused onlooks by asserting the United States has a “strong alliance” with “the Republic of North Korea.” “It is an alliance that is strong and enduring,” she added, intending to refer to the Republic of Korea, which is South Korea’s official name.
Her gaffe came barely 24-hours after President Joe Biden was himself confounded by events when he mistakenly gave a White House shoutout to Rep. Jackie Walorski - who is dead.

Click on the above picture for the original Tweet fom RNC.

1 comment:

  1. Brain Dead Biden is that way due to dementia, but Air Head Harris is just plain stupid. Neither should be in the positions they are at and I wonder who is running the country.


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