Monday, September 19, 2022

Is your wife like mine? I hope not for your sake...

 It's a fascinating thing about wives. Everybody else in the world is fine, but you're a fuck up. At least according to them when you're driving...  
I could buy this shit by the case and it still wouldn't be enough.
It's really kinda fascinating. She can get on an airplane, not knowing the pilot or even any of technology involved, and not give a shit if she tried. She never busts her girlfriend's balls about the way they drive, and she has no problems with buses or trains, either. When she drives, it's a different story all together. The "motherfucker!" and "asshole" comments flying out of her make would make a sailor blush, but...

When I'm driving she turns in to a screaming basket case. 'Put your seat belt on.' 'Don't play with the radio - I'll do it.' 'Use your turn signals.' 'Don't drive up that guy's ass.' 'You're going too fast.' 'Your going too slow.' 'Where the hell are you going? ' 

You get the picture. I guaranfuckin'tee ya I am not alone in this. We all love 'em dearly but fuck - wouldn't it be much better if we could stick 'em in the trunk until we get where we're going? 
Juss' sayin'...


  1. I told my wife it was amazing the over a million miles or so that I survived driving without her assistance....but I digress....

  2. well played - when are you getting out of the hospital?


I'm not here, but Calvin is...