Sunday, September 18, 2022

Ignore this, pay attention to that. We all do it, but the Dems do it better.

 I could be here all day citing examples of what they pay attention to and what they ignore, but why pay attention to them at all...  
Think Hillary's emails and Hunter's laptop, Dr' Fauci's lies and Biden's mental condition. 
They only know what they know, and what they know is usually wrong and mean-spirited.



This is how they play their politics back in my home state.  If the nastiest thing you can say about someone is that they support DJT, how bad can they be? The Dems actually believe that is the WORST thing you can say about a person. Imagine that.

A Gothic-styled spiral staircase that the article states was carved from a single tree in 1851. I find that to be almost too fantastic to even consider believing, but hey - I believed in Santa Claus till I was about 9, so ya never know, right?
This staircase is located in Lednice Castle in the Czech Republic, and it's said that it was created as a symbol of 'progressing toward the ultimate step with our goals'. Whatever the reason, it's a great example of what people can craft when pleasing the eye is actually more important than function. Meanwhile, somewhere in a smoky crappy little factory in Phukdem, China, they're churning out crap like this for tourists from Wisconsin to buy to prove they were in Florida for a couple of days:

Some animals are more rebellious than others.

If I knew someone that'd pay over a thousand dollars to see this piece of shit play the guitar and scream at them (y'all know he can't sing for shit) for three hours, I'd disown them immediately and deny their existence. 
'The Boss' likes to think of himself as an 'everyman', when he reality he's nothing more than just another money-grubbing scumbag. Juss' sayin'...

Meanwhile, here in The Villages, I guess they shoot 
better when they have moving targets...



If you're looking for a unique gift item for the 
special lady in your life, maybe you should take a look 
at the jewelry my wife makes. 

Click on this picture to see this bracelet in her online store.

The rock star strikes again. A state government initiative that 
has nothing to do with giving shit away for free to people who 
don't work for what they want or need. 
This one's to create jobs in the private sector that will 
benefit everyone in our state.

Yeah - he's a friggin' jackass for letting the kid try 
to do that. Serves him right. Juss' sayin'...

A back street in Mont St. Michel in the Normandy region of France. Probably 
be able to find a coupla decent places to eat and drink down there, huh?

If Gavin Newsome isn't one of the biggest jerkoffs to ever be a Governor of any state, I can't imagine who coulda been worse. Look at what this pussified piece of shit sent to the AG. Like a whiny fuckin' crybaby pussy who deserves a friggin' slap in the back of the head. Juss' sayin'...






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