Thursday, September 15, 2022

How do we get this country back on track? One candidate at a time, that's how...

Before we dig in here, let me reiterate what I've said before. I know it's gonna piss some of you off, but none the less: 
I do not want him to run for President again. I DO want all of the people that he's endorsed and those that follow his love of this country, his platform and his ideals to succeed, but he should not run. 
We gotta find someone who's not as truly hated as he is so we don't repeat what happened the last time - including all of the rigged elections and other bullshit. I know yer gonna chime in on this - go ahead. I like hearing what you guys have to say, even when you do think I'm fucked in the head. I get it. 
Anyway, read this article at the link below, and lemme say this about that - why does a British newspaper do so much better and more honest reporting on our country than our own newspapers do? Here it is:

Need to find a nice gift for a special someone 
who might be a cat lover?

Click on the picture above for information on this item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
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  1. I agree whole heartedly. I never liked Trump but voted for what he stood for. If he runs he may split the vote like Ross Perot did and let the democrats in!

  2. Ok, last time I read your post. Trump is the only savior we have. Deleting you from my favorites.

    1. I'm OK with that different strokes for different folks right?

    2. In all seriousness, what's wrong with DeSantis?

  3. And not a one here in The People's Republic of New Jersey.

  4. Any Republican that gets in will be truly hated. It is not just Trump. DeSantis, Noem, Abbott. It is not about person but the ideology that the left hates.

    DG in StAug

  5. I'd prefer he put himself behind a really good candidate but the left will just hate whoever it is.
    It was tough to imagine them hating anyone more than W until Trump came along.

  6. Assuming the midterms are honest. Only a moron would believe the commie left won't dial up the cheating to insane levels to maintain their hold on Congress.

  7. I'm okay with your opinion, but I do not know of any politician who will stick as close to the campaign promises. as Trump. I know - he didn't lock her up, but I think he thought if he did, the fight would be on and too much division so close to beginning would stop him cold.. I think he has learned from his mistakes, as I hope the Left has discovered that Biden was a HUGE mistake.

  8. Edit the map. Arizona is not NV Nevada already has those initials.

  9. When the Republicans allowed the socialist party to rig the last election for Biden, it really marked the end of a nice run in America....somebody once said that due to human weakness and corruption, a democratic republic could only last about 250 years tops....well, boys and girls, I think we are there....that said, it really matters not who wins this time....the die has been cast....besides, the globalist agenda cannot proceed until America is a third world turd like most of the rest of the's all about the ones who really run things, not the puppets they put up for public attitude is this....when I was bowling one night and we were in the tenth frame and and down about 60 pins, I made the statement that it looked like we were gonna' lose this of the guys said to be I said ok, I'm absolutely positive we're gonna' lose this game....


Where's Waldo? For that matter, where's Joe?

 He'll be back in town tomorrow... I've been travelling...