Thursday, September 1, 2022

California isn't the only crazy state in the union...

The mountains of bags are an unintended consequence of New Jersey’s strict new bag ban in supermarkets. It went into effect in May and prohibits not only plastic bags but paper bags as well. The well-intentioned law seeks to cut down on waste and single-use plastics, but for many people who rely on grocery delivery and curbside pickup services their orders now come in heavy-duty reusable shopping bags - lots and lots of them, week after week.
While nearly a dozen states nationwide have implemented restrictions on single-use plastic bags, New Jersey is the only one to ban paper bags because of their environmental impact. 
The law also bans polystyrene foam food containers and cups (a full ten years after almost everyone else banned them) and restricts restaurants from handing out plastic straws unless they’re requested.


  1. Our Lords and Masters will not be satisfied until they can control every single aspect of how we serfs live our lives. Get used to being treated like a kindergartener. They'll tell you when to play, when to work, when to snack, when to nap. Apparently we are too incompetent to make our own decisions.

    1. You will own nothing, travel within five miles of your quarters, and be happy!

  2. The more they try to be in control, the more fucked up everything becomes....the number one enemy of the people in this country today is the democrat party....


Betty gets her kicks in strange ways...