Sunday, August 21, 2022

Ya gotta keep this in mind. They are DEFINTELY coming for your guns...

 Step by step, inch by inch, these libtard motherfuckers want to strip you of your rights and leave you defenseless against them...  
I don't normally take a stand as strong and as vocally as this issue, but this is the scariest thing they want to do to you, and it'll be a death by a thousand paper cuts if they get their way.

A Democratic lawmaker has introduced a bill designed to curb sales of semi-automatic weapons like AR-15s, the type of firearm used by both shooters in the massacres in Uvalde and Buffalo last month. If passed, the legislation would impose a 1,000% tax on any type of semi-automatic weapon, making the firearms prohibitively expensive for most would-be buyers. 
The new bill, introduced by Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia on Tuesday, comes as a group of 20 senators announced Sunday that they had reached a consensus on the key priorities of a deal to reform the nation's gun laws. The 1,000% tax on semi-automatic weapons would "give the Senate an option for further action to address the epidemic of gun violence" beyond the reform already in the works, Beyer said in a statement. 
Called the "Assault Weapons Excise Act," the proposal would add the hefty tax to "large-capacity ammunition feeding devices and semi-automatic assault weapons, according to the text of the bill. If enacted, the semi-automatic rifle allegedly used by the Uvalde shooter would cost $11,700, instead of its current retail price of $1,170. 

Under the gun reform agreement reached by the senators, states would be incentivized to pass "red flag" laws, boost mental health resources, provide funding for school safety resources, clarify the definition of a federally licensed firearms dealer and crack down on criminals who illegally purchase and traffic guns.
Because Beyer's bill imposes a tax, qualifying it as a revenue measure, it could be introduced through the reconciliation process. That means it would require approval from only 50 senators, instead of the 60 votes needed to overcome possible filibusters and pass most legislation. The measure could "cut through the gridlock and get it done," Beyer said in his statement. 
The bill exempts federal, state and local agencies, which means that the U.S. military and law enforcement agencies wouldn't be subject to the tax.

If you've been thinking of getting something from my wife's Jewelry Collection, don't waste this opportunity. 
Etsy is doing a site-wide sale promotion where 
you can get 15% off if you buy two items or more. 
Click on this picture and it'll open in a new tab. Thanks!



  1. "...Shall not be infringed." This will not make it out of committee.

    1. Sure it will. What makes you so gullible to believe they CARE about the Constitution?

    2. Unfortunately, the Firearms Act of 1934 provided a precedent for this with a $200 tax on short-barreled rifles and shotguns, machine guns and supressors.

  2. What they are basically saying is this: "you pitiful regular citizens, we'll make self protection so expensive that only WE can afford it. Using taxpayer money of course".

  3. So the question is, how good is Beyer's security?

  4. Prima facie un-Constitutional. Apparently we have some of the stupidest lawmakers. A 1L first semester ConLaw class has examples where it is blatantly unlawful to try to tax away a Constitutional right. THis is why poll taxes are illegal. It is why they cannot tax the hell out of newspaper ink in an attampt to shut down newspapers and the First Amendment. Any pol that backs these measures should be recalled and prosecuted for violating their oaths of office.


Thank you, Twisted Hillbilly- you're too generous with your ladies...

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