Monday, August 15, 2022

The significance of this date. Pay attention...

 We had to bomb the living fuck out of 'em to get 'em to finally give up, the tenacious bastards... 

Don'tcha find it fascinating that one headline about 'Secrets of radar given to the world? We use an invention to kick somebody's ass, and then we turn around and give it away to the same people we just fucked up. We must be some kinda country, huh?



On this day in 1945 - 77 years ago - during the celebration of Japan’s surrender in World War II, Alfred Eisenstaedt wandered through Times Square in New York City with his Leica IIIa camera looking for pictures. He found one - an American sailor kissing a woman in a white dress.
Because he was photographing people in the streets rapidly, Eisenstaedt didn’t get the couple’s names. A week later the image was published in Life magazine. Overnight, Eisenstaedt’s image, known as “The Kiss,” became a cultural icon. 
Over the years several people claimed to be the sailor or the nurse, and circa 1980 Shain wrote to Life and said she was the nurse in Eisenstaedt's photo, Richard Pyle of the Associated Press reports. Pyle says Eisenstaedt visited Shain in California and gave her a copy of the photograph, but was never really sure whether Shain was the real subject of his photograph.
Life magazine picture editor Barbara Baker Burrows said the magazine had received dozens of claims from people claiming to be Eisenstaedt's subjects after the magazine ran a plea asking the two to step forward, but that they could never confirm if any of the veterans were really Eisenstaedt's couple.
The Leica that Eisenstaedt used to take the iconic photo was sold at auction in 2013. There's an article about the camera and the auction here:


He and I were pretty good friends back in the days when they didn't call him a 'country superstar'. 
I built two houses for Kenny on St. John way back when. He even called me three years ago after Hurricane Irma destroyed his main house and asked me to go back down and rebuild it for him. Sad to say he's become somewhat of a sell-out. Still does a helluva show, though...

At country superstar Kenny Chesney’s last gargantuan New Jersey bash, at MetLife Stadium the other night, an otherwise thrilling performance was marred by greed - an onslaught of advertisements hawking the “She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy” singer’s brand of Blue Chair Bay rum, furthering his descent into Jimmy Buffett beach-bum portfolio diversification.
Seventy-five-foot-tall BCB banners flanked the stage, bottles of BCB Mango Cream were plastered on the big screens and a troupe of women tossed BCB tees into the crowd. But the final straw was during Chesney’s set itself, where videos played behind the band of the perfectly sun-kissed artist on a boat somewhere, holding his BCB bottle, label facing out.
All of this was and is beyond the at least $3 million these monstrous MetLife shows earn at the box office per night (he’s played the venue seven times in the last 11 years), plus Chesney’s established No Shoes Nation brand, which has been deeply ingrained in his fans’ culture for well over a decade, with countless skull-and-crossbones tees, caps and flags peppering the stadium.


According to US Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, 240,329 of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II were alive in 2021.  It is estimated that 234 veterans are dying every day, and that they will nearly all be gone by 2032. 


Blue stairs on Symi Island off the coast of Greece. I could probably live in a place like that for a coupla hundred years. I can't imagine how good the cuisine is there - guess I'll never know...



Need to find a nice gift for a special someone?

Click on the picture above for information on this item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 


TIJUANA - As Mexican national guard troops patrolled the streets of Tijuana and cruise lines canceled dockings in Ensenada over fears of violence, Baja California residents struggled Sunday to return to normal life after hooded bandits associated with criminal cartels effectively shut down much of the region Friday.
State officials said the assailants hijacked and burned at least two dozen vehicles and put up roadblocks around the state Friday evening. Messages also began circulating on social media, purportedly from the Jalisco New Generation cartel, declaring a curfew in Tijuana and warning residents to go home or risk being attacked. Many did, turning the normally frenetic zone of restaurants and bars around Avenida Revolución into a virtual ghost town.
By Saturday afternoon, hundreds of military troops and special forces had arrived in Tijuana to help restore order and reinforce security. Some 300 troops, along with 50 members of the national guard, were flown in to support 3,000 national guard troops and the 2,000-strong Tijuana police force that, according to the mayor, were already patrolling.
Probably not good for the tourist trade. I was in Tijuana back in '74 or thereabouts. Went down with a buddy to buy some weed. The place was an absolute shithole then, and I can't imagine it's gotten much better. We barely got out alive, the fuckers stole our money, and I would never go back to that country if they were giving away vacations. Why some people want so many of these motherfuckers in our country I'll never know, but that don't make me out to be some kinda racist or nothing. I just don't understand a lot of shit lately.

Evidently, there is nothing funny to be found on Fakebook. This is an actual screenshot (slightly altered for emphasis and effect only) after I did the search. Think the algorithm's a little fucked up or what...

This is not a miniature - it's an actual photograph called 'Girls In The Windows'. Taken by Ormond Gigli in 1960 In NYC. The building was knocked down the next day. Pretty cool, huh?


That's subtle. I like subtle...

If yer ever in southwest Florida and ya got a craving for a nice ice cold one, may I recommend this joint. It's not at all what name implies. It's actually closer to a country&western/locals/biker kinda bar. Decent food, too. You won't be disappointed.


Like I said before - I really hope she's not some kinda 
porn star, whoever she is...



  1. I liked that "Morning" picture...

  2. Wrt Radar,
    A key development was the cavity magnetron in the UK, which allowed the creation of relatively small systems with sub-meter resolution. Britain shared the technology with the U.S. during the 1940 Tizard Mission.


Okay Auntie - last time. If I don't getcha this time I surrender...

If you  get this, I'll know for sure you're using photo-manipulating  software. Juss' sayin... ...     Here's a great idea f...