Saturday, August 27, 2022

So why'dja do it Joe?

Joe Biden was warned by the Treasury Secretary and his wife not to cancel student debt, but pressed ahead regardless on the urging of Kamala Harris, it's been claimed. If Kamala thought it was a good idea, that should have tipped him off it was a fucked-up idea, but he didn't catch on.
The president on Wednesday announced that anyone earning less than $125,000 would have $10,000 wiped off their student loans. On Friday, The New York Times reported that many within the White House had significant doubts about the wisdom of the plan - and that, despite months of lobbying from both sides, the rollout had been so rushed the loan companies were uninformed and White House economists had no idea how much the scheme will cost. 
One estimate, by Wharton School of Business, puts the cost at up to $1 trillion. They believe it will cost between $300-980 billion over the 10-year budget window, and concluded that about 70 percent of debt relief accrues to borrowers in the top 60 percent of the income distribution - something which supporters of the policy insisted was not the case. 

Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary, was among those who cautioned against the plan, but Joe, thinking he's going to run again in 2024 and will need the votes, went ahead and did it anyway, pissing off every responsible borrower in the country in the process.




Ya know, I know it sounds fucked up, but it's true none the less - 
I would trade time off my lifespan to be able to paint like this guy.




I never get invited to any of the really good parties anymore. Maybe it's 'cause I remind them of their grandfather - wuddya think?

 The department has lost about 350 officers - dropping from about 900 cops to 550 - in the past two years. After George Floyd’s police murder and subsequent protests and riots, many Minneapolis residents began reporting slow or no response to their calls for help, leading City Council members to question whether the police were engaging in a work slowdown. One cop told a local Indigenous leader that post-Floyd, MPD started taking a “hands-off” approach to crime control to avoid confrontations that could turn ugly. 
Baltimore saw similar complaints about police after Freddie Gray died in the back of a police van in 2015, sparking protests and riots. The phenomenon is sometimes called the “Ferguson effect,” after the protests following the police killing of Michael Brown there. The Minneapolis police chief blamed slower response times on a mass departure of cops from the force amid rising crime. 

What  extraordinary skills and vision do you have to have 
to be able to see something like this inside a block of stone?


A few weeks ago, some swimmers at the Jersey Shore were complaining about bone-chilling ocean temperatures along the beaches of Atlantic City. Now they are experiencing the opposite — extremely warm water temperatures that may have broken an all-time record.
If confirmed, both of those readings would surpass the record set in August 2016, when the water temperature in Atlantic City reached 83.3 degrees, said Matt Brudy, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service’s regional office in Mount Holly.
“We cannot confirm the record yet. It is preliminary data at this point,” Brudy noted. “We are in contact with the people who manage the gauge and making sure that it is reliable data.”
Brudy said representatives of the National Ocean Service are scheduled to inspect the temperature gauge, located at Atlantic City’s Steel Pier, to make sure it is working properly.If Thursday evening’s temperature reading turns out to be accurate, “that would be an all-time record” for Atlantic City, Brudy said.The ocean water data goes all the way back to 1911.

That's subtle. I like subtle...





  1. About the debt forgiveness: Lawsuits filed, as Joe does not have the Constitutional authority to do this. Injunction granted, and everything on hold until ruling comes down. Dems get to campaign on "We're trying to help, but the Evil Republicans want you to starve" (Standard Campaign Motif Number 3). College loan beneficiaries vote Dem, Republican Red Wave doesn't happen and after the mid-terms, the courts tell Joe he can't do this.
    And Joe's not smart enough to come up with this on his own.

    1. It came from the puppet masters behind the screen
