Sunday, August 21, 2022

If they legalize cocaine, my brain really will explode...

 How bad can your economy be when the number one 
national export is an illegal substance?

It’s the largest producer of cocaine in the world, the source of more than 90 percent of the drug seized in the United States. It’s home to the largest Drug Enforcement Administration office overseas. And for decades, it’s been a key partner in Washington’s never-ending “war on drugs.”
Now, Colombia is calling for an end to that war. It wants instead to lead a global experiment: decriminalizing cocaine. Two weeks after taking office, the country’s first leftist government is proposing an end to “prohibition” and the start of a government-regulated cocaine market. Through legislation and alliances with other leftist governments in the region, officials in this South American nation hope to turn their country into a laboratory for drug decriminalization.
“It is time for a new international convention that accepts that the war on drugs has failed,” President Gustavo Petro said in his inaugural address this month.
All movements start slowly - until they're out of control...

Felipe Tascón, Petro’s drug czar, said the Colombians aim to take advantage of a rare moment in which many key governments in the region - including the cocaine-producing countries Colombia, Peru and Bolivia - are led by leftists.




How do you go from the best record in baseball 
to sucking as much as they do right now? 
 He has every right to be pissed off.
I'm losing faith in humanity.


Gun manufacturer Colt says it plans to suspend production of AR-15-style rifles for the civilian market. The company plans to limit its production to fulfilling its police and military contracts.
The national debate on gun restrictions has largely focused on semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 and other so-called “assault weapons,” because of their use in high-profile mass shootings. 
Colt says the decision is not a political one. CEO Dennis Veilleux said in a statement that the company is “a stout supporter of the Second Amendment,” but that the market for AR-15-style rifles is saturated.
“It is not a robust market of lots of people purchasing assault-type weapons,” said Robert Spitzer, a political science professor at SUNY Cortland who writes often on guns. “So part of this, at least, is a marketing decision. Lots of companies make these sorts of weapons and they're available fairly cheaply just because of competition.”
Colt, which is based in West Hartford, Connecticut, said that sales of its AR-15 models have been declining. But it also maintains that it could resume selling the rifles to civilians in the future.
Just hours after Colt released a statement on its shift away from the civilian market, the U.S. Army announced it had awarded the company a $41.9 million contract to produce rifles for foreign military sales.

File this under 'You can think it all you want - you just can't say it out loud...' 
He's running for State office here in Florida. And his Twitter account has been suspended because of this tweet. He probably just shit the bed on his election chances, but hey - ya never know, right?

'A perfectly parked car in the Bo-Kaap area of Cape Town, South Africa'. A perfectly captured, very subtle photo. The juxtaposition of light and color are what make it so appealing. 


If you've been thinking of getting something from my wife's Jewelry Collection, don't waste this opportunity. 
Etsy is doing a site-wide sale promotion where 
you can get 15% off if you buy two items or more. 
Click on this picture and it'll open in a new tab. Thanks!

Haven't seen her in quite a while...

This is purported to be  the oldest living thing on Earth. Methuselah, a Great Basin Bristlecone Pine tree. It is said to be 4,853 years old. That's a pretty exact number, isn't it? How could they know that without counting the rings or however that works. This goes to a point I try to make as often as I can. Just because you see it, doesn't mean it's true. Just because you hear it, doesn't make it factually. The point is, you have to be a little bit jaded about what you see, hear and say. Too much of our ives is filled with bullshit - you know, like this blog. Juss' sayin'...



 This is another classic example of what happens when 'well-meaning' but stupid, leftist/socialist policies are allowed to run amock. The situation gets to the point where it can no longer be controlled by normal, civilized means, and Government is either ill=prepared or just unwilling to provide a remedy. Now, business owners in San Francisco's Castro District are pleading with the city leaders to provide more beds for the unhoused (Don't you love that phrase?) community. Some are threatening civil disobedience if the city doesn't address the growing issues in front of their storefronts.
"It's next to impossible to run a successful business in the Castro right now," Dave Karraker, Co-President of the Castro Merchants Association said. Karraker, owner of the MX3 gym in the Castro, has had enough of the unhoused community impacting the neighborhood.
"You shouldn't have to worry about is your window going to get smashed today by a mentally ill person who sees their face and reacts to it, I should be worried about whether I can sell more gym memberships," he said. He's even had to install extra security cameras to help protect his business.

"We're demanding that the city set aside 35 beds, specifically for the Castro, to deal with these people that we know are perennial problems," he said.
In a letter sent to city leaders, the association says they'd also like to see a comprehensive plan on how to address people who repeatedly decline services and clear monthly metrics on how many people in the Castro have been offered shelter or services.
Read this to capture the 'vibe'of San Francisco and it's out-of-control homeless population:'






  1. Send the homeless, drug addled bums to Portland. No one will notice, the mayor and city council don't care, and most citizens will vote to increase their taxes to support them.

  2. "The company plans to limit its production to fulfilling its police and military contracts."

    Pretty sure Colt tried this once before and got their asses handed to them.


God - I thought I was the only one who noticed that orange tinge...

    Was that a spray tan? You betcher ass it was. Either way, it's pretty friggin' hilarious, if ya think about it. Some flack in hi...