Saturday, August 6, 2022

Can you still call someone who's 'overweight' fat? Not if you fear the virtue warriors...

It's amazing to me how many times in the recent past I find myself agreeing with this guy. Is it me that's finally growing a pair, or is it him? Talk show host Bill Maher railed against the fat acceptance movement in his closing monologue Friday night, saying it is creating a 'national security issue.' He pointed to a 2019 New York Times article showing that about one-third of potential recruits to the US military are too overweight, and obesity can negatively impact the military's performance. 
Sometimes you walk in to a tire store and POOF - the 
Michelin woman is there. And there we are as a country...

He then went on to describe the fat acceptance movement as 'Orwellian,' as he spoke about the health issues associated with obesity. In the end, he said, what the fact acceptance movement is 'really doing is enabling addicts.'

And here's an article that tells how the military is dealing with it. Yeesh:


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  1. This has been an issue for a long time. Here is a great TED Talk from 2012, 10 years ago, about it.

  2. I've noticed the same with Maher show contents. I think this began during Covid lock down measures, he initially agreeing with U.S. Government, then toning them down. Made fun of mask mandates. LGBT entering elementary schools also received criticism.

    The Uvalde gun control discussion was - Wow - who is this guy. Not being pro-gun, but saying it didn't matter what kind of gun was used when law enforcement waited over an hour to go in while the shooter did the damage. He is still a liberal, but he does have some honest comments. I make a point of watching, not agreeing with everything, but still learning.


Coloirful morning here...