Sunday, August 21, 2022

Can you have your cake and eat it, too? If you're a tranny, you can't in Japan.

 I know it's a terrible metaphor, and it may even be a misquote, but it got you here, and this story cracks me the fuck up... 

A transgender woman who froze his/her sperm before transitioning is not the legal parent of the child they helped produce, a court in Japan has ruled. Only a child born before their surgery and legal gender change is formally their child, the judge on Tokyo's High Court decided yesterday. The unidentified trans woman, a man at birth, had two daughters with his/her female partner using sperm preserved before their transition.
Four years ago they were legally permitted to change their gender on the family register, reports said.
A country where same-sex marriage remains illegal and many LGBT+ people remain in the closet, Japan obligates its transgender population to have surgery before they can legally change their gender.
That means removing the sexual organs they were born with before taking any steps further toward transitioning, a rule sharply criticized by human rights campaigners. 

Though the woman's partner was recognized as the legal mother of the girls due to having given birth to them, their request to be recognized as their parent wasn't accepted by a Tokyo family court in February.
That court said 'there is currently nothing in Japanese law to recognize her parental rights,' in a ruling the woman appealed. On Friday, Tokyo High Court ruled that she could be recognized as parent of the daughter born before her legal gender change, but not the second, born after.

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God - I thought I was the only one who noticed that orange tinge...

    Was that a spray tan? You betcher ass it was. Either way, it's pretty friggin' hilarious, if ya think about it. Some flack in hi...