Saturday, July 23, 2022

This may well be the coolest thing you see all day...

Check this wild shit out. This wind turbine got struck by lightning near Cromwell, Texas, and just kept on spinning... 


  1. I was a field engineer running a satellite installation team. The tech I was grooming to take my job jumped ship to install windmills in Europe. Three years later he was wanting back on my team. Once back he had all kinds of horror stories on how these things fail. Then there was the story about once a windmill is installed the land around the base will become a HASMAT zone as the 300 ton rebar reinforced concrete anchor will never come out of the earth. A transmission blowout would dump 300 gallons of trans oil on the ground. How a jump in wind by 15 mph by a gust could cause the blades to go into a runaway condition destroying the windmill. With a life expectancy of 25 to 30 years it does not make enough energy to offset the energy used to make the windmill.

  2. Isn't that leaving a large carbon footprint?

  3. but they're part of our green new deal...


Archie really didn't say that, did he?

Do a google search on it for the original...