Tuesday, July 19, 2022

It can only get better for Joe, but it probably ain't gonna...

 He just broke a record that nobody - not even Jimmy Carter - 
thought he could. He's the worst ever... 

President Joe Biden's approval plummeted to 38 percent in a Monday poll that also suggested Americans have little confidence in the commander-in-chief's stewardship of the US economy. A whopping 62 percent of respondents to the new CNN/SSRS survey said they disapprove of Biden's job in office so far - the highest so far since CNN began asking the question in March 2021. Just a quarter of voters surveyed are happy with how the president has navigated inflation. 

The poll was taken June 13 through July 13 and released on the heels of a devastating consumer price index report that showed the cost of goods increased 9.1 percent last month over the year prior. It was the biggest spike seen since 1981. 
Americans' dissatisfaction appears to extend to the country as a whole - the CNN poll found that 79 percent of people believe things are going badly for the US, a level not seen since February 2009, during the Great Recession.
 Sixty-eight percent said Biden is not paying attention to the nation's worst problems. The devastating feedback shows Biden's pledge to have a 'laser focus' on inflation has yet to resonate with voters. The poll also indicates Americans are skeptical of how much impact he's having.
One in three people still back Biden's handling of the economy, while 69 percent indicated the opposite. 

The Democrat's popularity with voters is increasingly critical as November's midterm elections approach, as his party faces an uphill battle to hold onto their thin Congressional majority.
But Monday's poll shows those odds growing increasingly slim. Biden's approval among fellow Democrats, while still strong, plummeted by 13 points from CNN's previous survey in April and May to its current 73 percent.

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