Thursday, July 14, 2022

Getting ready for all-out nuclear war in New York City...

 It reminds me of the ads we used to see back in the late 50's when the same guys were the bad guys... 

New York City’s emergency management office has come under scrutiny for a decision to air a public service announcement offering residents of the city advice on how to survive a nuclear weapons attack.
The office defended its decision on Wednesday, stating that the advertisement was meant to spread awareness of how to survive a nuclear attack in the event that a nuclear weapon was aimed at New York.
“There is no direct threat to the city but we felt it was important that we addressed this topic,” said Allison Pennisi, head of public information for NYC Emergency Management.
The 90-second advertisement, released online by the department on Monday, opens with a person saying: “So there’s been a nuclear attack. Don’t ask me how or why, just know that the big one has hit.”
It makes you wonder how fucked up the priorities of the people who are supposed to be in charge really are, doesn't it? And you wonder why I have no faith at all in any of these so-called 'civic leaders'...

Girls prepping for the original 'selfie machines'...


Remember back to that non-story about when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and she was using her own private email server like she wasn't supposed to but did anyway  and all the shit that was found or not found on Hillary's private email server that never went anywhere, but she was still accused of having top-secret documents on it and wasn't supposed to but did anyway and nobody really gave a shit about it and she never got in trouble for breaking about 500 Federal laws? (whew)
Well, this is one of the documents that was on that server. It's absolutely true and no one has ever explained why a copy of that letter was on her email server. Maybe somebody sent it to her as a goof. We'll just never know, will we?


 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  said she wanted “to deck” a heckler who called her his “favorite big booty Latina” while filming her walk up the Capitol steps on Wednesday.
Right-wing instigator Alex Stein approached the 32-year-old New York representative and proceeded to sexually harass the congresswoman by calling her “sexy” and repeatedly commenting on her backside.
“You’re my favorite big booty Latina — I love you AOC you’re my favorite,” he says in the selfie-angled video as Ocasio-Cortez walks up the steps in a beige dress with two others. “She wants to kill babies but she’s still beautiful. You look very beautiful in that dress. You look very sexy. Look at that booty on AOC.”
Ocasio-Cortez starts to head towards him, but an aide sticks out an arm to urge her back. Irritated, she sarcastically poses for a quick selfie with the man, flashing a “peace sign” before she continues up the steps.


I gotta tell you about this. I think I've told you a couple hundred times before that I don't really watch much TV at all, and I never ever watch the news on TV. 
I do briefly scan the local news stories on line, and that's how I found this one. This is the kind of stuff news channels should be covering - good, wholesome stories about kind-hearted local people doing cool shit for other deserving friends and neighbors. Stories like this one. 
There's a short video clip of the news story in with the rest of the story. Take a look - it'll do your heart good:


Ford is recalling an additional 100,000 vehicles in the U.S. and telling owners of those vehicles to park outside after a series of engine fires that can take place even when the ignition is switched off.


This is what the Webb Telescope is going to be giving 
us when it's fully functional. It's going to change 
the way we think about just about everything.

The same region of space seen by the Spitzer Space Telescope 
left vs James Webb Telescope test image on right. It has the potential to somehow show us how the Universe was created. 
Think about that for a minute.


Friend of mine has this cute little sign on the tree next to his driveway 
in front of the house. Maybe he put it up or maybe his wife did - I don't know. 
I do know that I have never - ever - seen either one of them barefoot. Ever. 
Kinda ponderous, uh?

Isn't there some kind of rule about having a spotter?

If I had the time and the resources, I'd like to individually shake hands with and thank each and every person - dead or alive - who voted for this fuckin' train wreck. Well, maybe 'thank' isn't the right word. Maybe 'bitch-slap' is more appropriate...

Want to find a nice gift for a special woman in your life? 
Click on the picture or this link to see what my wife has 
to offer in here Etsy shop:
There's a name for the new service they're gonna be offering up with the ads in it. It's called television, you fuckin' idiots. 
Rather than doing something stupid like this that will most likely eventually put you out of business, why don't you create programming that more than 16 trannies in San Francisco will watch? Juss' sayin'...





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And they say WE drink alot?

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