Friday, July 8, 2022

Even the Dems are getting pissed off at Joe. Poor Joe...

 Democratic frustration with Joe Biden is boiling over as the midterms approach with many wanting to see a more aggressive, fighter of a president as the clock ticks down to November's election. A litany of complaints has surfaced in the past few weeks about Biden's administration, mainly that it has been too slow to react to major events like the Supreme Court ruling on abortion or hasn't been passionate enough in its response to mass shootings.  One Democratic strategist bemoaned to that 'this White House is just always like a half step behind.' 
If you want to read the whole story behind this, it's here:

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event worth celebrating coming up? 

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  1. During a speech earlier today The Hologram read the final lines of the teleprompter: "End of Quote, Repeat the Line". This guy - owned by China - is worse than useless, he's a clear and present danger to America.
