Friday, July 8, 2022

An "interesting" mix to be sure. WTF were they thinking?

 55 years ago today the Monkees/Jimi Hendrix tour started. 

The Monkees Teen/tween girl audience not exactly the 
optimal crowd to appreciate what  Jimi was creating.

They Parted ways after 6 or 7 dates, agreeing to agree that
their two music styles didn't exactly 'mesh'...


  1. In 1970 ish I went to a concert booked at Monmouth County Community college. Melanie (just started turing on 'I got a brand new pair of roller skates...' and Country Joe and the fish. Half the crowd was 12 year old girls and their mothers. Country Joe led right off with the Fish Cheer. Priceless.
