Tuesday, June 7, 2022

They just don't want us stoners to have any fun - or relief...

Cannabis is not an effective pain reliever — despite what its supporters may say, according to a review. Advocates of marijuana claim the drug has a myriad of health benefits, including being able to soothe aches and pains, but a US Government-backed analysis of 25 trials has concluded there is 'very little scientifically valid research' it is an effective pain killer. 

The heart-breaking article is here:


  1. the qualifier in this is "the u.s. government". it has to be true.

  2. If a government agency told me the water was definitely safe to drink, I'd still run it through the RO/test it.
    We know big pharma has a lot of control, otherwise we wouldn't have a crisis of painkiller addiction. World's biggest legal drug traffickers.
    And damnit, it's MY fucking choice and my fuckin business as to what works for me.


  3. Pot makes people stupid though, the perfect voter for the democrats.

  4. I'll take pot over those damn pills any day. I have never over dosed on pot but damn near did on opioids. Even if it's psychological I'll stick with pot.


Calvin has a deeper question...