Sunday, May 29, 2022

Travelling this weekend? The NYSlimes thinks you're evil if you do...

On Memorial Day weekend the jerkoff writers and editors at the 'Old Grey Lady' - the New York Slimes - actually blamed American citizens for record-high gas prices, instead of President Biden’s war on American energy.
As gas prices reached another record on Saturday of $4.60 per gallon, up 45 cents from one month ago, according to AAA, many Americans are looking to enjoy their holiday weekend by getting out of town using a gas-powered vehicle. 
Yet the Times on Friday slammed American drivers for over-consuming gasoline. Can you get your head around what the fuck these elitist scumbags are saying here?
“Motorists have not done much to burn a lot less gasoline,” the Times wrote in an article entitled, “Gas Prices Hit New Highs as Summer Driving Season Starts.”
The article went as far as to praise high gas prices as a reason for drivers to purchase expensive electric vehicles, which it claimed would cause gas prices to fall. The article noted, however, that high gas prices have failed to drop because consumers have not made “big changes” by purchasing “more fuel-efficient” vehicles.
What a bunch of bike- and taxi- riding Uber-flagging pompous, over-educated liberal agenda-driven jerkoffs. 
Why does this paper exist if not to suck it's own dick?
Looking ahead, the Times added that gas prices may stabilize if Americans give up vacationing on summer road trips.
Seriously. They said that.


  1. That's it! Now I must get in my auto and burn thu as much gasoline as I possibly can during this Memorial Day long weekend! Why? BFYTY


  2. Yes indeed. We need to drive less so that many more self-important people can fly to a climate conference without polluting the planet.

  3. But aren't many of "us" driving so much less already anyway? At least half the office space in NYC is empty, because, thanks to the pandemic BS, all those office drones now work from home. And they're NOT coming back to the office, ever. But everyone else, especially those essential holy First Responders, the drywall guys, the retail clerks, gas station jockeys etc, kept right on going to work then and now. But the Left loved to tell us how the low gas prices during the Summer of Trump were because "nobody" was driving, so there was no demand.

    On the third hand, who owns a car in NYC and uses it daily? Nobody, no matter how wealthy they are. So what does the NYT know? Jack.

  4. It's a pisser, ain't it? Their logic I mean...


What - a doll...