Sunday, May 29, 2022

A nice Memorial Day Weekend tradition continues...

 You can watch this year's National Memorial Day Concert on Sunday night on PBS or right here on Youtube streaming live... 



If you're looking for this to make sense at any given point in time, you're really probably, most likely, ok absolutely definitely reading the wrong blog. Juss' sayin'...



This is Barbara Stanwyck in the screwball comedy 'The Lady Eve'  
(Co-starring with Henry Fonda and Directed by Preston Sturges in 1941) wearing a gown designed by Edith Head.
 One of my all time favorite movies.
"I'm tellin' ya - it's the same dame..."

A high school in Los Angeles County is prohibiting unvaccinated students from participating in their graduation ceremony. After prohibiting unvaccinated seniors from attending prom and senior awards night, Granada Hills Charter High School is banning unvaccinated students from its graduation ceremony on June 2.
Instead of attending the ceremony, Granada Hills Charter High School offers remote participation to 70 unvaccinated seniors by having their names called while their other classmates walk the stage.
One Granada Hills senior, Andrew Luna, said the situation is “heartbreaking” and added he felt “abandoned” by the school he “worked so hard for.”
After the school did remote learning throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Granada Hills High announced that only vaccinated students may return to campus for the current spring semester.
The unvaccinated students were enrolled in the school’s online independent study program, preventing them from being engaged in extracurricular activities on campus. “Besides that, it was just the events on school campus, relationships with friends and just a lot I had to give up, essentially, said one really pissed-off student graduate.
No stigmatization going on there, is there?

The guy on the couch's name is Jody. You should know that.

It's alligator mating season.  They may travel from pond to pond 
looking for love. This pic was taken maybe six blocks from my house. I'm tellin' ya - ya see these guys all over the place down here at this time of year. They look like friggin' dinosaurs, and don't be fooled by how slow they move - these fuckers are super fast when they wanna be...

The crew of B-29 Superfortress 42-24598 "Waddy's Wagon", 20th Air Force, 73rd Bomb Wing, 497th Bomb Group, 869th Bomb Squadron, the fifth B-29 to take off on the first Tokyo mission from Saipan on November 24, 1944, and first to land back at Isley Field after bombing the target. Crew members posing here to duplicate their caricatures on the plane. Light-hearted humor in the face of death and destruction.
My father's generation were incredibly brave guys...

Meanwhile, in downtown Glenties...



I'm assuming it's a woman (probably recently divorced) but no matter what they really shoulda thought this whole 'personalized plate' thing through...


I'm serious - if you click on the picture, the article really will open in a new tab. 
Ya think I don't know how to do this geeky techy shit? C'mon, man...

"Everybody Wants to Rule the World" is a song by English pop rock band 
Tears for Fears. It was written by Roland Orzabal, Ian Stanley, and Chris Hughes and produced by Hughes. The song was first released on March 18, 1985 (37 years ago - jeez) as the third single from the band's second album, Songs from the Big Chair. "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" is a new wave and synth-pop song with lyrics that detail the desire humans have for control and power and center on themes of corruption. Still one of my favorite songs from a very weird and diverse decade of music, to be sure.
 Believe it or not, the band is still together, and they're touring this summer. 
They've aged a bit, but still pretty damn tight. Take a look:






1 comment:

  1. Loved Beetle Bailey growing up in the 60’s! Oh, and of course, Miss Sophia!


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...