Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Stay out of the retention ponds here in Florida...

A diver who jumped into an alligator-infested pond in a desperate attempt to find a missing family was covered by a crack squad of snipers who were ready to shoot the reptiles should they attack.
Nieves Matos, 80, was driving along a Florida road in the US with her adult son Mario Laza, 56, when she lost control of the blue Toyota minivan and veered into a pond at the side of the road.
The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) told local media an adult male and adult female were rescued from inside of the vehicle. Spokesperson Lieutenant Alex Camacho said: “The vehicle lost control, overturned, driving off of the roadway into the pond. “Dive teams from fire rescue and Miami-Dade Police did their search and rescue, and were able to rescue an adult female and adult male inside of the vehicle at the time.”
After the crash,  members of the public jumped in the dicey and murky water to try and find the missing pair. Florida cops and specialist divers followed them in once they arrived. 

The police department realized the pond was packed with vicious alligators so set up snipers to take the reptiles out should they strike. Ms Matos was found, pulled from the pond, given emergency CPR, and survived the horror ordeal.
Her son was retrieved from the water and rushed to hospital where he died.
The mother remains hospitalized but stable.

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How can we believe anything these people say?

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