Friday, April 29, 2022

Making sense of Biden's crazy giveaways...

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) stated that student loan forgiveness would “contribute to more inflation, which means economic growth will face even more headwinds,” and that if anyone should help with loans “it should be the colleges and universities who so poorly served those students to help repay those loans.”
Cotton said, “It would be inflationary to the economy and inflation is clearly a drag on economic growth right now.
 Canceling that student loan debt would also be outrageously unfair to most Americans who didn’t go to college, who don’t have a college degree, who don’t have student loans.  

So, for every truck driver, plumber, welder, HVAC repairman, and carpenter who went to work and has been working hard every day since he or she turned 18 years old, they would be underwriting trillions of dollars of student loans for students who voluntarily made the decision to go to college and take out those loans and just like someone who takes out a loan for a small business or a car or a home, should be repaying the loans.”
He added, “If anything, it should be the colleges and universities who so poorly served those students to help repay those loans. But if they go forward with this, on top of all the other spending and borrowing, as you said, it will contribute to more inflation, which means economic growth will face even more headwinds, as we just saw this morning when we got the reports for the first quarter.” 

The full interview with Cotton is here:

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