Wednesday, April 27, 2022

If you voted for Joe Biden, I want to thank you...

 First and foremost, thanks for self-identifying. I like to know who the jackasses are around me...  

For the record, I am not endorsing Trump here.
 Actually, I'd prefer he stay in the background
 and be the puppetmaster and braintrust for the
 party, but that's a conversation for another day...

Thanks for voting for the guy who shutdown the Keystone pipeline and shut down drilling on Federal lands on his very first day in office. Thanks for the over $ 4.20 a gallon gas.

I hit a new record yesterday filling my pickup. 
I need my truck for work and don't have 80g's
 laying around to buy an electric piece of shit.

Thanks for voting for the guy who's allowing 10,000+ illegal Mexicans and other fuck ups come in to the country every day, because I get to pay for their stay...

Thanks for voting for the guy who has inflation at a 40 year high. There's nothing I like more than paying $7.00+ a pound for fuckin' hamburger meat...

Thanks for voting for the guy who pissed of the Saudi's and now they won't increase production to make up for all the shit you shut down...

Biden fucked up when he refused to support
 them in their battle against the Houthi rebels,
 and this is their payback response...

Thanks for voting for the guy who is indirectly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people in Ukraine. Vlad would have never invaded with Trump in the White House...
I don't need to expand on that thought...

Thanks for voting for the guy who can't make a coherent sentence even when it is on the teleprompter. What a tongue-tied stumble-bum this guy is... 

And if you have ANY idea what the fuck he's talking about 
half the time, please let us know and I'll share it 
with the rest of our readers...
Take a quick look at some of his better fuck-ups:

And more than anything else, thanks for voting for the guy who has done more than any one else to prove what complete jackasses these liberals are...




1 comment:

  1. He didn't get 81 million votes. If you want to be thanking anyone for this nightmare, drill down to the county election officials, they're the ones that engineered massive election fraud.


What's the course you should take before you sign up for Economics 101?

 How about Common Sense 101? Didja ever take one second  to think like most other people do - or should?   Corporations have only one obliga...