Tuesday, March 8, 2022

What was it Monte Python said?

While staying optimistic can be tricky during these uncertain times, 
it could actually help you to live longer, according to a new study. Researchers from Boston University have found that optimistic people live longer, healthier lives than pessimists, and say it's because they have fewer stressful events to deal with.
'Stress is known to have a negative impact on our health,' explained Dr Lewina Lee, who led the study.
While previous research has found a link between optimism and healthy ageing, until now it's been unclear how optimism impacts health.
'This study tests one possible explanation, assessing if more optimistic people handle daily stress more constructively and therefore enjoy better emotional well-being,' explained Dr Lee. In the new study, the team followed 233 older men over a 24 year period. At the start of the study, which began in 1986, the men completed a questionnaire to assess their levels of optimism.
Then, from 2002-2010, the men were questioned again on up to three occasions about their daily stressors and mood on eight consecutive evenings. The results revealed that more optimistic men not only reported lower negative mood, but also more positive mood. 
And they had to do a 'study' to figure that out.
Again - I have to ask - where can I get a job doing some kinda 'study'? There's gotta be a shitload of money in it somehow...

Need a great gift idea? The jewelry my wife makes 
may be perfect for you. Click on this picture to 
see what she has available to choose from. 



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How many times have I heard this?