Sunday, March 27, 2022

To be able to say you were the greatest there ever was...

I like what I do and I'm good at it, but nobody'll ever say I was the best there ever was. They may say it about Coach K...      






Is he talking about himself or Vlad?

The Easter Bunny will be coming soon.

Biden’s “Billionaire Minimum Income Tax” proposal would set a 20 percent tax rate floor on Americans worth more than $100 million — hitting not only their stated income, but also their unrealized gains on stock holdings and other forms of wealth.
The plan will be included in the budget proposal that the White House will roll out Monday, the Washington Post reported.
Musk attacked a version of the plan in October, when it was being considered as a way to help pay for Biden’s since-abandoned “Build Back Better” social spending bill. “Eventually, they run out of other people’s money and then they come for you,” the multi-billionaire Tesla CEO and SpaceX founder posted on Twitter last year.
The proposal would supposedly cut projected federal deficits by more than  $1 trillion over the next decade, but we all know that's bullshit because they'll just come up with more and more horseshit programs and benefits to piss the money away on.

An ad for this company ran on the blog the other day. I don't think that any Egyptian Goddess ever looked anything like that, do you?

Hey Specolli - shut the fuck up. Nobody gives a shit about you 
or the Oscars to actually care what you think about anything.

Need a great Mother's Day gift idea? 
It IS in just a few weeks, ya know...
The jewelry my  wife makes may be
 perfect for you. Click on this picture: 



I know you've heard me say it more than once that 
I had a girlfriend that stupid once, but I gotta be completely 
honest with you. I've actually had probably a half-dozen 
girlfriends like that. Juss' sayin'...



I don't know man, I've honestly
 never had that problem...

Any idea who she is? I'm curious because I have no idea why anyone would generate a GIF about her, especially in that outfit on MTV. IAlso, let's be clear. I'm actually old enough that I remember when MTV stood for 'music television'. Now it's more like 'mindless television'. I guess that's sorta kinda like the same thing, isn't it...


No animal in the history of everything has ever been 
that happy to see me walk in to a room. Juss' sayin'...








'Twelfth base'?