Friday, March 11, 2022

Joe - the numbers don't lie...

President Joe Biden’s approval rating has sunk to 39 percent as the national average gas price hit a record high for the fourth straight day, a Rasmussen poll revealed on Thursday.
The survey also found that sixty percent of respondents disapproved of Biden’s job performance. 20 percent of Americans strongly approve, compared to 50 percent who strongly disapprove.

Here you really have to pay attention.
 Look at the people on either side and around you. 
One of them may be one of those 20% that think he's doing a great job.. Tell me that doesn't scare the livin' bejeezis outta you...


  1. I am surprised he is doing That well ! I would have thought maybe high 20s at best. Must be a plethora of fucktards out there!

  2. Instead of channeling his inner Dorothy, FJB ought to make like Tooter Turtle and say " Help Mr Wizard,I don't want to be President anymore"

    1. You're kidding me. The words Trizzle Trazzle, Trozzle trome,time for this one to come home" mean nothing to you? Did you grow up in a cave for crissakes

    2. Nah - sorry. I grew up in Newark, not FairieLand...


  3. It's ok folks....the 20% were all in California....the land of fruits and nuts comes through again....


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...