Monday, March 14, 2022

Finally - a Senator who says what we want to hear about illegals...

I've been saying this for 15 years. You HAVE to hold the guys who hire the illegals responsible. That's the only way to starve out this crisis.
Sen. John Boozman (R-AR), who is endorsed by former President Donald Trump in his reelection bid this year, told Breitbart News on Saturday that he believes the United States needs to “beef up” the E-Verify system and “make that mandatory.”
“We need to do a couple things: We need to beef up the E-Verify system and make that mandatory,” Boozman said. “We need to make it such that we do hold employers accountable - they don’t need to be the immigration agents. But certainly, keep the Remain in Mexico policy. And so importantly, we need to announce to the world that we’re back to keeping folks out that don’t belong here, and securing the border, and making it such that it’s going to be very difficult if you try.” 

They're called 'turn-out corners' Mexican gangs run them and take a cut from every worker's 
daily pay. These corners are a blight on every community they're found in. It's time to also 
crack down on these spots by enforcing loitering laws.

Boozman’s comments came during an in-depth interview on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, during which he recounted his history of leading on the issue of immigration. Way back in April 2013, before many other senators had even taken a position on the then-forthcoming “Gang of Eight” amnesty plan, Boozman publicly came out against the proposal, and his office told Breitbart News he was opposed to it. His public opposition - he was joined in those early days by just a handful of others - ran counter to the conventional wisdom and career political class in Washington, DC.

The only downside to this kind of enforcement would be to put every single roofer in the country out of business, but fuck 'em...

1 comment:

  1. Whar about all of the taxpayer money you clowns in congress give out for food/housing and much more??
