Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Biden - and all of us - are worthless as allies and friends...

The Pentagon on Tuesday evening shot down a Polish proposal to transfer their MiG-29 fighter aircraft to Ukraine and receive replacement aircraft from the United States.
The Pentagon said in a statement that the plan was not “tenable.” Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said: "As we have said, the decision about whether to transfer Polish-owned planes to Ukraine is ultimately one for the Polish government. We will continue consulting with our Allies and partners about our ongoing security assistance to Ukraine, because, in fact, Poland’s proposal shows just some of the complexities this issue presents.
The prospect of fighter jets ‘at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America’ departing from a U.S./NATO base in Germany to fly into airspace that is contested with Russia over Ukraine raises serious concerns for the entire NATO alliance. It is simply not clear to us that there is a substantive rationale for it. We will continue to consult with Poland and our other NATO allies about this issue and the difficult logistical challenges it presents, but we do not believe Poland’s proposal is a tenable one." 

What a bunch of spineless pricks...


  1. "NATO Alliance" that's funny shit there.
    Worthless cucks wasting taxpayer money-what the hell else have they been good for?
    Most countries in NATO were falling behind in dues, until Trump brought that up.


  2. Putin is unpredictable. Giving Ukraine MIGs could drag NATO into the conflict. Once that happens the odds of canned sunshine getting used increase by several orders of magnitude. If the west doesn't directly confront the Russians it's possible a cabal inside Russia could remove Putin and end this. If the west starts making real threatening moves they will close ranks behind him. The amateur idiots who seized power are stupid enough to keep poking the bear. Poke it long enough and all hell breaks loose....then it's dark ages here we come.

  3. That is the first rational thing I have heard that idiot, suck-ass Blinken say.

  4. I wonder how much of this is driven not so much as Poland coming to the Ukraine's aid as Poland getting some payback licks on Russia.
    Poles have long memories too...

  5. We need to stay out of this clusterfuck. The US has no strategic interest in Ukraine. The Russian and the Ukrainian governments are about equal on the ethics and morality scales. And frankly, Ukraine had this coming, because we (US/NATO/EU/WEF/IMF egged them into being a hostile PITA to Russia.

    Best thing we could do now is withdraw from NATO.

  6. NATO is essentially a treaty whereby the United States will defend you if you find yourself in a war.
    Russia is not Iraq. They are quite capable of conducting aerial warfare. Aircraft coming out of a NATO country to attack Russian aircraft is literally the definition of the beginning of WW III.
    Russia can shoot down aircraft from INSIDE its own border. Then what will you do?
    Cooler heads have prevailed - this time.
    Perhaps you should confine your blog to pretty girls and beer.

  7. Are you saying you think we should shuttle fighters through Poland to fight in Ukraine against Russia? If so, you are out of your fucking mind.

  8. To save Ukraine we'll send them a list of pronouns.

  9. You guys are wonderfully engaged. I'm happy and what you're saying makes me very proud

    1. You the man Joe. Let's just retire to Jost Van Dyke and let them have the rest.

    2. Last one to Soggy Dollar buys, brutha...


Sure, NOW all of a sudden they like guns...

One of the more interesting things about our totally fucked-up mass media and it's coverage isn't so much what and how they cover st...