Thursday, February 10, 2022

Why would anyone thing fucking with truckers is a good idea?

 Want a sure-fire way to shut your whole country down? Piss these guys off... 

Three Toyota factories in Ontario have ground to a halt for a week as the Canadian truckers' protests against COVID mandates continue, putting 8,000 workers in the plants on pause. The three factories - two in Cambridge, Ontario, and one in the Ontario city of Woodstock - join General Motors in Michigan in curtailing operations due to the protests snarling supply chains. 
Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, is refusing to bow down to the truckers' demands, pointing out that 85 percent are fully vaccinated and they need to be fully vaccinated to enter the United States in any case.




Scientists discovered that white-tailed deer can carry the omicron variant, which is a potential sign that deer and other animals could eventually create a new COVID-19 variant of concern.
The reason I point this out to you is because I wanted you to know that there are people out there making a living testing deer for Covid
Yes. That's what they do for a living.

This is Point Nemo. It is the furthest place on Earth from land. The closest people are in the International Space Station, 250 miles above Earth up in space. If you are stranded here, good luck.

Speaking of Bambi, here's a tidbit for ya...

Bambi was made by Disney films 80 years ago this year, 
and is the number one highest grossing film of all time. 
To this date, the movie has generated $ 10.1 billion in sales 
for the studio. Nice work if you can get it...


Again - the only reason I'd even bring this stupid fuckin' item 
in to the conversation isn't the context of the question, because who gives a fuck what some stranger thinks, right? 
No - the reason it's here is because someone, somewhere, is making a living going around asking insipid question like this and getting the responses published. Unless, of course, they newspapers just
 make this shit up, which is also something to think about. 
If THAT'S true, then somebody's making a living making this shit up
See where I'm going with this?


Have a birthday, an anniversary or some
 other special occasion that calls for a gift? 
Find her something nice 
from my wife's jewelry collection.
Here's one of the newer items - click on the picture: 
Might be a nice St.Paddy's Day gift.



Cats are actually liquid...

Can anyone explain to me why these people 
act they way they do? It seems like they're all 
just attention whores. The bigger issue, I think, is why 
the media thinks we might be interested in these morons. 
Juss' sayin'...

Mount Rushmore before they started choppin' it up.


I'll give you $ 8.50 if you can give me one good reason why they 
needed a french translation on the banner in front of him.

Canadian Prime Minister and woke jackass Justin Trudeau earned some well-deserved mockery for his fawning statement praising long-time Cuban dictator Fidel Castro upon his death last year.
Among Trudeau's more puke-inducing platitudes were his description of the self-declared 'Maximum Leader' who ruled over his island nation as "a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century." 
Conceding the tyrant who denied his subjects any rights of free expression or the ability to leave the country without permission was "a controversial figure," Ottawa's pretty-boy-wonder breathlessly declared Castro "made significant improvements to the education and healthcare" of Cuba.



Are ya listenin', Whoopie? Ya ignorant fuck ya...


Click on this link to see all she has to offer:




  1. I read long ago,that Disney got the story line from a Czech book written in the 30's. It was an allegory of the situation in Europe at the time. All the animals are getting along fine until the weasel (Hitler) shows up. Disney changed the role of the bad guy to the evil hunter.

  2. There's rumors flying around that perhaps US truckers may join their Canadian brothers and do something nice for the Super Bowl. I'd love to see them block off access to the stadium. There is also talk of the same thing happening at the White House. That would be great! Just the thought of Sleepy Joe wandering around the halls with a stinking load in his pants makes my day

    1. Talked to a bookie buddy of mine says he heard the same thng about the super bowl. That would be fuckin' awesome to see...


I was genuinely tearing-up during his speech last night.

 Ever laugh so hard you start crying? That was me last night  listening to this self-important liar-in-chief ...     ...     ...     ...    ...