Monday, February 7, 2022

This whole Joe Rogan thing is stupid.

 I usta think if you didn't like what somebody says, 
you just don't listen to 'em. 
Now they listen just to bitch about it... 

I'd bet every penny I've ever had and will have that this 
aged reptile never listened to a single word Rogan ever said. 
Their self-importance is maddening. Does anyone outside her circle of ex-hippy jerkoff friends give a fuck what she might have to say? 
And, she must live in a house with magic mirrors, because  if she knew how butt fuckin' ugly she really is, she'd never let her picture be taken. 
Juss' sayin'...


As for Rogan himself, he was 'forced' to make an apology for something that was not wrong, and taken completely out of context. But they don't give a fuck  about context, do they?
This is how the idiots at CNN covered it:

I don't know a single person who has ever NOT used this bullshit 'N' word. The idea that you have to say it that way - in quotes - sickens me.

There's a reason I can say what I want and do what I like to do here. It's my blog. Just like Joe has his podcast. I just don't get paid millions of dollars for doing it...

To all of you bleeding heart liberal mamsy-pamsy fuckwads out there, I have but one thing to say. 
If you don't like what I talk about here, if you don't like the language I use, if you don't agree with me, too fuckin' bad. Don't read my blog. It's really that simple. 
Besides, you can't boycott me, now can ya? 
Juss' sayin'...




  1. Hell to the yeah! Ohio Guy

  2. If this is true it explains Young's action...

  3. Yeah - as if we give a fuck about Neil Young...
