Wednesday, February 9, 2022

They're finally going to wise up? Don't bet the ranch on it...

 But at least when the so-called 'experts start speaking out, 
we may have a chance at getting back to 'normal'...

Masks are finally starting to become a thing of the past in the U.S. as the Omicron variant-fueled Covid surge continues to falter, and experts are largely standing by the decision to drop mandates and instead allow people to choose for themselves whether they - or their kids - want to use face coverings. 
Dr Kavita Patel, a former Obama era official and primary care physician, said Wednesday that masks in schools should not be mandated long-term but instead be a parent's decision.
Mask mandates, both in schools and overall, are starting to be lifted around the country as daily Covid cases continue to plummet. Daily infections are down 47% over the past week as the Omicron variant continues to burn out after peaking in mid-January. 
Meanwhile, Doctor Flip-flop - Anthony Fauci - said this week that America is probably moving past the 'full-blown' pandemic phase of Covid . Isn't that comforting coming from him?
Sad but true, you'd be amazed how many idiots there are here in The Villages that are still driving around - by themselves  in their golf carts - wearing masks. 
It's frightening how sheep-like these people are...


Have a birthday, an anniversary or some
 other special occasion that calls for a gift? 
Find her something nice 
from my wife's jewelry collection.
Here's one of the newer items - click on the picture: 

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