Friday, February 18, 2022

There's rules for you and there's rules for me...

 It always comes down to who's making 
the rules for who (or is that whom?)... 

I'm starting to believe that I could populate this entire blog every day with just the stupid shit they do in California on a daily basis. How these fuckin' people live with themselves is beyond me.
Those attending the Oscars ceremony next month will be required to show proof of COVID vaccination - except, that is, the Hollywood elite. Performers and presenters at the film industry's highest honors on March 27 will not need to show proof of vaccination, although they will still have to undergo a PCR test. Those attending will also be able to show a negative rapid antigen test taken on the day of the event. 


My Mother and Father on their wedding day in 1946. 
Today would have been/is my Mother's Birthday.



Said it before and it's true. Cats are liquid.

There are times when my brain explodes inside my head and it really hurts for a couple of minutes. THIS is the kinda ridiculous shit that causes the bigger explosions. 
What they're saying now is that the non-Covid-related deaths were caused by Covid even though the people that died didn't have Covid. 
You following me here? 
Covid is responsible for everything...


There may only be Dems at his speech...

Biden plans to have a deeply dramatic State of the Union address marked by some strict coronavirus restrictions. On Thursday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) shared the rules for the upcoming address that will require members of the U.S. Congress to socially distance at all times while wearing fastly secured K95 masks after submitting a negative coronavirus test one day before.“For the 2022 State of the Union, coronavirus safety measures emphasize a negative PCR test one day before the event, the wearing of a high-quality, properly fitted, medical-grade filtration mask (KN95 or N95) at all times, an attestation of a negative health screening inventory and social distancing separation of seating,” it said.
The guidelines said that these requirements will apply to “all State of the Union attendees including members of Congress, invited press, and any staff person who will be in close contact with a principal in TENDIES in a support staff role.”
The guidelines also strongly recommended that attendees receive the coronavirus booster vaccine two weeks prior to the event.


Need a gift for a loved one? My wife's 
handmade jewelry is a great idea, and 
St. Patrick's Day is not far off.

 Click on the picture for information on this bracelet.

 Click on the picture for information on this bracelet.


This graphic demonstrates the populated areas 
of Australia. They's a shitload of nothing 
happening in the middle of down under...

This guy has a plan? Where would Biden's border plan be? I think 
the fuckin' guys clueless and very dangerous. Juss' sayin'...


These motherfuckers are relentless with
 their never-ending ball busting.


The Senate on Thursday passed a bill to avert a government shutdown ahead of a Friday night deadline, sending the legislation to President Biden's desk for a signature.
Senators voted 65-27 on the bill, which funds the government through March 11 at current levels. The bill now goes to Biden, who is expected to sign it, after passing the House last week. 

I may just be stupid but I can't understand why this shit keeps happening. Is the country running on empty all the time? I mean - these are the motherfuckers who print the money. How can they be broke? I know that's a dangerous construct, but c'mon boys and girls. How about ya learn what we all know - you can only spend what you have and no more.




Like I said. Cats are liquid...

St. Paddies day is coming. You're bound to 
see this on TV 100 times next month...




1 comment:

Computer dating - Playboy style...