Friday, February 18, 2022

Canada is like a brother from another mother, but...

 'If Trudeau orders the police to drag away the Freedom Convoy, he'll tear Canada apart and doom the country to become a polarized political nightmare like America is these days...' 


On Monday, the Prime Minister of Canada (a feckless piece of shit if ever there was one) invoked the Emergencies Act, which became law in 1988 and has never been used – and it is not yet clear what he'll do with these powers. 
The mood is tense as we all watch events unfold more than 250 miles away in Ottawa, where the anti-vaccine mandate Freedom Convoy of truckers remains dug in.
The use of the Emergencies Act has poured gasoline on what was already a raging fire. 
I fear that Canadians are headed for the sort of volatile, drawn-out, intractable conflict that tears societies apart. The same type of 'take no prisoners,' merciless discourse that has transformed America into an endless political battlefield, where opponents can never agree and seemingly nothing is ever resolved.
The act replaces the War Measures Act, last invoked by Trudeau's father, Prime Minster Pierre Elliott Trudeau, in 1970, and it is widely known as the nuclear option.



  1. It's about time the Canadians fought back against the creeping communism their so-called socialist government has foisted on them. I celebrate them becoming the next Bosnia of the North American continent. Welcome aboard! No reason this civil war can't go all the way to the Arctic Circle.

  2. It's probably lost on the little fascist dictator, but he's supposed to get parliament's blessing before over throwing the rule of law.


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