Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Re-kindling a fire? I hope not.

I really do hope he does not choose to run again.

I know this is gonna piss off a lot of you guys out there and I get it - I really do. What concerns me is that so many people - probably all 80,000,000+ idiots that voted for Biden over him just because they didn't like his tweets are gonna re-mobilize and we'll end up with another clusterfuck election that'll make the last one look like a cake walk. You have to consider the level of enmity these people bear for him as an individual. 
They couldn't give a fuck about the fact that his platform and policies worked so well for the country. They're somehow happy with the way Biden has shit the bed in his first year in office. They'd rather burn down the church than kneel in thought and prayer.
What I would like to see him do is put that war chest to work for a candidate that can and will be elected - someone like Ron DeSantis. There are dozens of great Republican women he could name as his running mate, and that would be a brilliant move.
Let Donald be the puppet-master. Let him control the platform and steer the agenda - Its what he's best at. 
This is where I stand right now...


  1. I agree with your basic point, but you also have to consider that when DeSantis is the candidate, the communist screamers (the media mostly, but everybody on the left) will start telling everyone how good Trump was and that DeSantis is hitler.

    1. You're right about the media but they would do that regardless to any R candidate but if DeSantis can refrain from being as caustic as Trump, he can win.

  2. It's just a loose educated guess from an Engineer but more than likely dimmos realized they would have barely 50% the votes that DJT did so magic! Simply x4 dimmo votes by lots of tricks and computers and voila! Idiot "won" and no he did not. Idiot got installed. They did it once and 2024 sure a shit they do it again. My vote as an R is worthless and I know that. Worthless. IT does not matter what I or the people vote it only matters who counts the vote and the fix is in. Forefinger nose to "The Sting" right there.

  3. Biden did NOT get 80 million votes. He likely didn't even get 50 million. If you were paying attention to the campaign in 2020 you would have seen Trump had thousands of people attending his rallys. In my podunk county he drew over 10K at a rally with some driving 200 miles and more to be present. Pedo Joe had trouble filling a grade school cafeteria when he appeared. Whether or not Trump should run is debatable...the real question is does the GOP have a better alternative. One that isn't OWNED by the left like Bitch McConnell and Lousy Lindsey Graham.

  4. I agree with the author 100%.

    To those that want to say that Biden did not get the votes, there was fraud, the election was stolen, etc., no, not really as it was the perfect storm with covid for the demonKKKrats to greatly increase the time allowed for them to put their vote harvesting machine to work and it worked for them.

    When you allow such folks to walk down the streets and getting folks to fill out a ballot that would never bother to actually go to the polls on election day and also could not name their senator or even one member of the SCUTUS, they are more than likely vote demonKKKrat and if not, I am sure that ballot wasn't turned in.

    This is why the demonKKKrats were so anxious to nationalize voting so they could continue this practice and basically guarantee future wins.

    As an R, your vote does count and do not let the shenanigans of the left thwart you and keep fighting for tighter election laws in your home state.

  5. Your entitled to your opinion, but you really should get educated on what really happened in the last election. Most bloggers shoot themselves in the foot once in a while, You got the gun aimed right at your head. I'm thinking the New Jersey in you never left, you just always lean that way.

    1. WTF are you talking about? Are you a new follower?

  6. 1. Trump win in (another) landslide, with poll watchers eliminating fraud and 20-30 million that voted for Biden sitting out because they realize they were fooled
    2. Trump comes in with loyal subordinates, a MAGA congress and cleans house: back to America first, investigations (and jail time) for the massive malfeasance and defunding of big chunks of the corrupt administrative state (FBI, Education, Energy....)
    3. Desantis comes in in 2028

    1. If a landslide is still possible, I agree on all counts

  7. I have a suggestion.....put cameras backed up by armed guards 24/7 at the ballot boxes....backup computer tallies with printed ballots....one for the voter and one for the votee....

    1. Forgot to say i\the problem with the governor running for president is we lose him as governor....

    2. That's exactly right NC - where are you in Florida? Obviously, I'm in Lady ake...

  8. For the record Joe I'm with you, Trump will also be 78 by 2024. That is too old to run a country and I don't care who you are. I voted for DJT both times and would probably vote again for him if he winds up the candidate, but he'd be far better off backing someone (Desantis!)

  9. Fuck it, let Trump run, at this point what difference does it make? I don't care anymore.

  10. This is what I hope to see...but I'll vote for whichever is on the ticket.


    1. That's cool - I made the original of that and somebody co-opted it. hat's awesome...


I should be here today...