Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Plagues, recessions, chicken viruses and now a war in middle Europe?

 What we need to round out this clusterfuck 
of a decade is a good famine. Jeez...

As the threat of war between Russia and Ukraine loomed Tuesday, President Biden admitted that Ukraine would be on its own if Russia does invade and that American service members would not be sent to fight - but if Americans were targeted, the president warned of a 'bloody, destructive war.' 
For days, U.S. and European officials have said that a Russian invasion on Ukraine appeared imminent, but Putin's government on Tuesday publicly welcomed further security talks with the West. 
Biden is now demanding more proof that Putin has pulled back troops after fears that he remarks could be a bluff. 'While I will not send American servicemen to fight in Ukraine, we have supplied the Ukrainian military equipment to help them defend themselves,' Biden said during his address this week. 'We provided training and advice and intelligence for the same purpose.' Biden also warned that the U.S. is committed to protecting NATO allies amid the rising tensions with Russia. '
Make no mistake, the United States will defend every inch of NATO territory with the full force of American power,' Biden said. 'An attack against one NATO country is an attack against all of us.' 

Mr. President - Ukraine is not part of NATO.


  1. Forrest Gump was spot on: Stupid is what stupid does. The only problem is white trash with money can be dangerous. This clown is creating some weird payback to obfuscate his treasonous dealings with Ukraine. Special place in Hell…

    1. I'm thinking Putin will play "I'm not touching you" three or four times, just to make a fool of Biden before he finally rolls into the Ukraine.

  2. How did we ever get stuck with this limp dick for president??

  3. Sounds like the moron is going to be in violation of the Budapest Memorandum....


That's three strikes - yer OUT - for life!

It's not that easy to make Yankees fans look bad - especially compared to Red Sox and Phillies fans - but these two idiots managed to pu...