Friday, February 4, 2022

Joe's a 'tough on crime' guy? No chance...


Joe Biden made a trip to New York to discuss his administration’s efforts to reduce violent crime and gun violence. “The answer is not to defund the police,” Biden said during a meeting at NYPD headquarters. “It’s to give you the tools, the training, the funding to be partners, to be protectors.” Ahead of Biden’s trip, the White House also outlined its plan to crack down on interstate gun-trafficking, which has led to the presence of more firearms in Northeast cities like New York.
Some progressive activists (and who exactly the fuck are these so-called 'activists? They never EVER tell you, do they) have expressed fear that the White House’s efforts to reduce crime could encourage unjust policing tactics. 
They did identify one nutjob: “What we need from the President is a comprehensive plan to end gun violence and one that doesn’t rely on introducing even more violence by adding to bloated police departments,” said Alexis Confer, executive director of the gun control group March For Our Lives.
The question to be asked of this wingnut is simple. WTF can any President do to stop inner-city black kids from shooting other inner-city blacks kids? The answer?

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