Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Girls and their bows - or is it spelled 'beaus'?

 However you want to spell it, I'm
 sure it's okay with the ladies... 










Need a gift for a loved one? My wife's 
handmade jewelry is a great idea.

 Click on the picture for information on this bracelet.










What woman wouldn't love and appreciate 
a gift like something as nice as this?
Click on the picture for information on this item.





  1. Do all women archers have above-average sized tits like these girls? If so, I'm running to the sporting goods store as soon as the bastard opens!


And what are they drinking in your state?

...    Why do I do what I do here? Being able to present what my wife creates is the best reason  I have for doing this,  and when you buy h...