Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Everything you need to know about the Oscars, you can put in a snail's ass.

 And still have room for a lawyer's heart, 
Biden's sense of humor and how much 
I give a fuck about awards ceremonies... 
Tell me how a movie that almost no one wants to see 
can be nominated for 'Best Picture of the year? 

By the way - the reboot of WSS has netted only $44.1M at 
the box office in spite of costing $ 100+M to make.


The ONLY good thing about Fakebook these days is it's 
ability to remind you of stupid shit, like the day 
our POD showed up in Florida with the rest of 
our stuff. Doesn't get much more
 exciting than this, does it?


What a proud moment for our country. Juss' sayin'...

Only five Olympic athletes ever have won more than 
eight gold medals and four of them hold nine gold medals. 
Michael Phelps holds 23.



Don't know what it's like up by where you live, but it's fuckin' insane down here. They say that 1,000 people are moving to Florida EVERY DAY. That's driven housing prices up 50% just since Biden's been in office. And they can't build rental units fast enough. Over 10,000 brand new apartments went on the market also in just the past year. That's just nuts - what's even crazier is the prices they're getting in these new rental units. The average statewide for a one-bedroom apartment is now over $ 1,650.00 a month.


Have a birthday, an anniversary or some
 other special occasion that calls for a gift? 
Find her something nice 
from my wife's jewelry collection.
Here's one of the newer items - click on the picture: 


Let's be very clear about this for those of you that may 
have old-timers disease or amnesia. NO ONE who 
looked like these people EVER drank T-Bird. No one. 
Ever. Do I make my point?






Yeah - this was a thing...


I think most men have had at least one Jennie in their lives. I absolutely had one. Her name was Nancy and she was as beautiful as she was batshit crazy. Sad story - after years and years of drug abuse and craziness, in her late 30's she finally got her shit together, got sober and started a family here in Florida. 
She was killed by a drunk driver in West Palm at 8:30 in the morning. She was on her way to church and he was going home from a two-day meth-fueled binge.




Wallace feels that he has been stiffed. He's got no staff, 
no Executive Producer and the guy he gave up a prized gig 
for has just walked out the door.
Good. Fuck him. Juss' sayin'...

Need a gift for a loved one? 
Jewelry is a great idea.

Click on the picture for information on this item.

Click on this link to see all she has to offer:



1 comment:

  1. What’s the word? Thunderbird. How’s it sold? Good and cold.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...