Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Don't be such a Karen, Caryn...

 Do you have any idea who Caryn Elaine Johnson is? 
Take a guess. One guess... 
Such an incredibly 'white bread' name.
 Who'd imagine that Caryn Elaine Johnson is actually 
this chipmunk-cheeked, hateful, unfunny, racist jackass:
That's right - that is her real/birth name -  Caryn Elaine Johnson.
 She took (appropriated) the name 'Goldberg' as a goof.
Speaking at a charity event in London, the Oscar-winning actress 
(can you believe THAT bullshit?) said: "I just know I am Jewish. 
I practice nothing. I don't go to temple, but I do remember 
the holidays. Religion is a lot of work, it's exhausting. So I keep 
it simple, I have a pretty good relationship with God. We talk.'"
She added: "When people heard the name 'Whoopi Goldberg', 
and then I turned up, I was not what they were expecting.
"People would ask me in a roundabout way, 'So are you?' 
And I would say 'What?' And they'd say 'What does your name mean?' And I would say 'Do you mean Whoopi?' And they'd say 'No, the other name.' And then they would say 'Come on, are you Jewish?' And I always say 'Would you ask me that if I was white? I bet not.'" The name is wonderful for starting conversations."
I guess God tells her to say all of the stupid shit and 
liberal garbage she spews on that God-awful TV show she's on. 
WTF was Ted Danson thinking?


Think your wife, your daughter or your
 girlfriend would like something like this?

Click on the picture for more info on this item.



  1. She trying to look like some white dude that signed the Constitution or something?

  2. Her face makes me think of danny glover.

  3. So she's always been a Karen

    Mark in PA

  4. Ted Danson didn't have to act to portray his Cheers character. He is that dumb.


Good night, darling...