Tuesday, February 8, 2022

'Build Back Better'. I wonder who the genius was who....

 Seein' as how nothing's been built, nothing's back and sure as fuck nothing's better, I wonder if the guy who came up with that ridiculously inane slogan still has a job... 





The funniest thing about that slogan is, has anyone ever heard what he actually would build back better than it is? 
He sure as fuck couldn'ta been talking about the whole country, now could he of?

I wanna meet somebody who says Joe's doing a good job. 
I wanna look 'em square in the eye and just go all 
Forrest Gump on 'em...

The end of The Great Wall of China. Everything has 
to have a beginning and an end. Everything.



How you know you're in a WalMart in Florida...


Valentine's Day is next Monday, so this may be 
your last chance to find her something nice 
from my wife's jewelry collection.
Here's a new item - click on the picture: 

If you ever get a chance to see or read a biography of Marley, 
you'll see a side of the guy you wouldn't expect to see. 
Incredibly generous and actually a fairly mellow guy 
who just loved to get high and play music...


The Brits don't have a clue what it means, either...




This really is from a Biden Campaign rally in DC. 
Now ya know who actually voted for the guy...


Who do you suppose paid for those signs and for those people to stand out there holding them? Ever think about stuff like that? That's where my mind goes right away when I see shit like this.'

I had absolutely no idea the Biden campaign actually 
had an official mascot. I'll be dipped...




What my wife says I look like when I'm working 
on a new post for the blog. She's not that 
far off the reality...

Want to see what she has to offer? Just click on the message box 
above and poof - there ya are...



  1. I wonder which one of us, the USA or Canada, is ruing their pick for President worse? Those truckers up North are really starting to get their points across now. People are screaming for supplies and support for them is bigger every day.

    1. And the truckers here should eb startingnext week. Gonna be interesting...

  2. Biden's Build Back Better is more like Billions of Bucks for Biden's Buddies.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...