Tuesday, February 15, 2022

As covid fades from the news, get ready for the onslaughts...

 God forbid there might be one day of good news 
before the rest of this bullshit starts... 

We'll be back to Global warning/climate change/racism/
Russian collusion/January 6th/etc. bullshit in no time at all 
once Dr. Flip-flop and his gang of morons go away.

Pollution by states (countries) and companies is contributing to more deaths globally than COVID-19, a U.N. environmental report published yesterday said, calling for "immediate and ambitious action" to ban some toxic chemicals.
The report said pollution from pesticides, plastics and electronic waste is causing widespread human rights violations as well as at least 9 million premature deaths a year, and that the issue is largely being overlooked.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused close to 5.9 million deaths, according to data aggregator Worldometer, and no one will hold the Chicom's feet to the fire for any of these deaths...

What woman wouldn't love and appreciate 
a gift like something as nice as this?

Click on the picture for information on this item.

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